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Liberal Illegal Immigrant Hypocrisy (relevance: 6)
by sleepyone on Sep 18 2022 01:10PM
Mexicans in Mexico City doesn’t want white people coming to their country because it’s making it more expensive. Cities like Martha’s Vineyard who have signs all over the place that claim they welcome all immigrants, are quick to get rid of ...
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So Many Profiles , So Weird (relevance: 5)
by Mr.Horndog on Jun 14 2023 07:12PM
EdmondDantes, TheAlterEgo, HunterBee, PeteMalloy, Abe_Froman, FernandaFuentes, kev9313, JuliaLaRosa, XimenaGarcia. These are all the same person. Talk about a weirdo. RicoSuave21 = GoBallsDeep The conservatives have to make up profiles to ...
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Today in stocks: what goes up must come down (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Mar 12 2024 08:22AM
No, I am. It talking about the hard one deep inside longwalker’s mouth, anus and hybrid man-gina. Boeing airlines is having major issues. Good time to short the stock. Inspections and halts of production. Whistleblowers dying by “suicid ...
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Who would you pick . . . (relevance: 3)
by Marrisa_G on Aug 2 2023 05:10PM
. . . for president if neither DJT or Biden were running in 2024? See if you can articulate your thoughts without even mentioning either one of the above! I am a hard-core life-long Republican (now an Indie) and registered voter in Florida, but ...
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Remedy for Shitcan (relevance: 3)
by TheAlterEgo on Jun 27 2023 09:11PM
Shitcan here is some masculinity for you!
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Adam Schiff is a fascist? (relevance: 3)
by lapierre on Dec 19 2022 10:28AM
He is now saying ANYONE who attended the Jan 06 assembly should be criminally charged and prosecuted. those people could have prevented what happened, instead they became part of the crime by not interceding. what happen to the right to assembly ...
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Trumpty Dumpty (relevance: 3)
by SeymourButz on Nov 10 2022 09:14AM
Get ready for the Red Trickle folks.
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election TUES (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Nov 7 2022 09:33PM
let the fun begin
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Clueless Biden (relevance: 3)
by tc270 on Oct 24 2022 04:16PM
So our commander in chief now claims that his student loan forgiveness was passed by congress....... except there was never a vote, he did this by executive decree. It's rather hard to watch this video, or any other video, of this bumbling idiot. ...
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Stacey Abrams Says Unrestricted Abortion-On-Demand Can Help Solve Inflation (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Oct 19 2022 05:03PM
back last midterms and 2020 few had to be derailed...this chick was one of em. if she wins GA...she will certainly shoot for Whitehouse gillum was another one in'd he permanently get derailed again? harris was another one...loo ...
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