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45, the real snowflake (relevance: 3)
by Mad4boobs on Oct 15 2022 11:50AM
brilliant!! its about time someone calls out, not only 45, but also his base...that is really baseless. i like that, his baseless base. "They just have a feeling (that the election was stolen). And in fact, Trump uses that too in this enormously ...
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$7/gallon gas (relevance: 3)
by TheAlterEgo on Sep 28 2022 10:22PM
Shaking my head in disgust How do people say, “I’m voting democrat in November” The democrats have the ball and they dropped it, shaking my head 🤦🏻‍♂️
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Trump & Classified Documents Part 6: The Neverending Moving of Goalposts (relevance: 3)
by Rrod111401 on Aug 25 2022 03:54PM
So Trump was convinced by roided up fake lawyer dude Tom Fitton that any document produced during his administration belongs to Trump. Classified or not. This was many months ago when Trump is happily complying with govement on giving back documen ...
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Let's Go Brandon (relevance: 3)
by SeymourButz on Aug 20 2022 09:51AM
Thanks allot Joe Yesterday I filled my tank with E85 and the price was $3.39 a gallon. And regular was $4.89 WTF ! I hate these prices. It's supposed to be 7 bucks a gallon. Remember folks Joe did this to you!
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