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Astrazeneca Vaccine on Hold (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Sep 9 2020 08:44AM
This is what happens when you rush things. AstraZeneca on Tuesday temporarily halted its phase three trials of a possible coronavirus vaccine after one participant suffered what may have been a serious adverse reaction. The vaccine "candidate" w ...
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Capitalism and Racism Go Hand in Hand (relevance: 6)
by Night-Rider on Aug 27 2020 11:01PM
said NBA basketball player Andre Iguodala. "You can't have one without the other." I guess he doesn't follow what goes on in China with the Uighurs, but I digress. It's this type of thinking by the BLM movement that concerns me. Theoretically ...
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Natural or enhanced , what’s the difference should I consider it ? (relevance: 6)
by Exoticbabygirl on Aug 24 2020 11:35PM
So I been thinking about it and I wanna know for future reference We all know nice boobs and big butts are the shit
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Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, (relevance: 6)
by Grumpy_Butthead on Aug 2 2020 02:53PM
Be tried for 2nd degree murder, manslaughter, or just get a slap on the wrist? At issue is a directive that Mr. Cuomo’s administration delivered in late March, effectively ordering nursing homes to accept coronavirus patients from hospitals.
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Sex with facial coverings (relevance: 6)
by gilbert33 on May 23 2020 08:36AM
I had my first experience with my partner wearing a facial covering. I rather enjoyed the experience. New kink?
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Do people really hate California that much? (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on May 13 2020 11:42AM
Just joined a real estate investment group, and I am part of their social media feed. Holy shit, and I though people here had bile and vitriol oozing out of their orifice. COVID really has people upset! Are other parts of the country that en ...
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Should government take a pay cut (relevance: 6)
by heliman on Apr 23 2020 08:17PM
We know the president gives away his paycheck. Shouldn't congress, senate, and other higher end jobs take a pay cut? They're laying off city workers and cutting back their hours to make up the tax loss for closing up the country.
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Trump’s Leadership Skills and Lack Thereof! (relevance: 6)
by jimbo0618 on Mar 23 2020 11:44AM
I hope those that voted for Trump can see that he does not care about the average American! He only cares about himself, money, and being re-elected. He is confusing everyone with his inane and insane advice via tweets about how we should deal with C ...
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Fake news and bullshit (relevance: 6)
by Mr.Horndog on Mar 22 2020 03:33AM
Is the Associated Press, no longer a reliable, unbiased, source of information? Time and NYTimes have been around long before any of this fake news bullshit. Journalists put their lives and credibility on the line folks. News is supposed to ...
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This is why China is bad.. (relevance: 6)
by pieranna on Mar 17 2020 04:25PM STEVE BANNON is right on the money. Trump is a son of a gun and That is what we need. CHINA IS A HUGE PROBLEM! that's why a skeptical republican president need to be in charge. Sanders has prais ...
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