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Girls - Guys the most bizarre excuse heard 4 a missed Date (relevance: 3)
by FATFUKK on Sep 27 2020 05:05PM
What 's the oddest excuse you 've heard for a missed or really late appointment..
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Now Lindsey Graham's crying like a little bitch just like Trump (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Sep 25 2020 09:06PM
Stupid scorpion couldn't change his nature. So in the middle of a tough re-election battle for his Senate seat, which has been 50/50 for months, he proves what a hypocrite he is. Mr. "You can use my words against me" from '16 who said Republica ...
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He said you and your family is Disgusting (relevance: 3)
by FATFUKK on Sep 25 2020 02:55PM
Olivia Troye... a Trump employee went on the record that stated the PREZ. mentioned / finds his supporters, and his POLITICAL base as "Disgusting" people, and the COVID gives him the excuse not to shake your hands, and keep his distance from you. ...
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What would be Justice for Breonna? (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Sep 25 2020 05:34AM
I watched the AG's news conference carefully. There is no questioning the police had a search warrant for the WRONG address. Breonna was an innocent victim. 1. The officers who executed the search warrant were not the officers who applied for t ...
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Newsom want to outlaw gas cars by 2035 (relevance: 3)
by heliman on Sep 23 2020 02:56PM
Is this guy insane or what? Pretty sure he wouldnt be in office anyway.
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Hunter, Hunter, Hunter (relevance: 3)
by flash911 on Sep 23 2020 09:11AM NOT a conspiracy theory.
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2020 Nobel Peace Prize (relevance: 3)
by Chucklaylo on Sep 9 2020 08:08AM
Guess who was just nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. None other than our beloved President. That ought to just about break the minds of all the TDS Trump haters out there. Before we get too excited about it, remember, these are the same rocket ...
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Propositions (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on Sep 6 2020 03:15PM
14 NO 15 NO 16 NO 17 YES 18 NO 19 NO 20 NO 21 NO 22 YES 23 NO 24 NO 25 YES Vote, you dummies! That includes you, WorldAss! Not as fun as rioting but you won't get arrested
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Trump-bots (relevance: 3)
by mbc2000 on Sep 5 2020 02:17AM
Its impossible to have a discussion with people who do not respect anyone or anything. These trump-bots will NEVER acknowledge making a mistake, or ever being wrong. With one exception. Self-preservation. I call it the jimmy swaggart maneuver. T ...
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Jason Whitlock calls Labron james a bigot (relevance: 3)
by Atticus_Finch on Sep 1 2020 09:21PM
Wow a sports writer/commentator calls out lbj and calls him a bigot. Amazing! Atticus Finch
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