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Trump is the least inspiring person ever (relevance: 3)
by Run-key on Mar 13 2020 12:52PM
I know that a lot of you rah-rah dummies HAVE to support Trump because he sticks it to the Libs on the regular and it's way more important to you to be "WINNING" rather than give a shit about your fellow man.... .....but Jesus Tittyfucking Christ, ...
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Billie Eilish takes off her clothes (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Mar 12 2020 06:31AM
Something to distract from all the dark news. She took time at her Miami concert to undress in a pre-recorded clip. Mmmm...not bad. Your thoughts?k
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Bloggers with no women in their network (relevance: 3)
by Mr.Horndog on Mar 1 2020 12:47AM
Why are these people allowed on the site? KaiserSoce GoBallsDeep L777 These members do not make the site safer. I'm sure there are others.
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First US corona virus death (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Feb 29 2020 10:40AM
It’s official, first fatality on US soil from the covid-19 virus. Happened in Washington state.
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Joe Biden pt 2 (relevance: 3)
by Alexisalexis2.0 on Feb 26 2020 06:08PM
Wow Granite- your profile says 55 which puts you on the cusp of boomer, but I’m gonna place you in that generation. So you rattle off some accusations of entitlement at the younger generations, and in typical boomer fashion your assessment is based ...
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I know I’m weird to ask here but perhaps you guys know some place/hacks I don’t (relevance: 3)
by AngeliseAdore on Feb 18 2020 10:46PM
So my mother is getting to the point where my siblings and I are thinking we should begin to prepare for end of life arrangements. I know nothing about the funeral/ end of life (?) industry. My mother has end of life reimbursement through her employm ...
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WARNING!! crane_op is as cowardly as his party! (relevance: 3)
by jhizzah on Jan 24 2020 08:48PM
Just a heads up, don't say anything about Melania, IMPOTUS or the GOP on crane_op's posts! He's suuuuuuuuuper sensitive! Also, they all live in their Fox and Friends fantasy world and have no knowledge of anything else so pretty pointless anyway. Go ...
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Trump Taught Iran a Lesson (relevance: 3)
by Harpooner on Jan 8 2020 08:43PM
Iran has apparently taken a page out of Trump’s playbook. After their revenge missile attacks on US bases in Iraq, they claimed to have killed dozens of US troops and inflicted heavy damage. In reality, there were no casualties and very little dama ...
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How to Manage the Homeless Problem in California (relevance: 3)
by lucent1956 on Dec 21 2019 09:20AM
I don't have the answer but perhaps California should send a delegation to Florida because apparently they do. I just got back from spending a week in South Florida and didn't see a single tent pitched anywhere and only one panhandler on a street co ...
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Is anyone else fascinated (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Dec 18 2019 06:40AM
by watching the workings of the House of Representatives? Watching the motions being put on the floor, the actions, the votes... as fucked up as the reason is for having to watch... it’s fascination and a bit awe inspiring. I’m not talking ...
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