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Britain announces 4-week lockdown part 2 (relevance: 8)
by Angler1 on Nov 2 2020 12:43AM
Kit car guy, night rider, says he has proof lockdowns work, and Santa Claus is fake.. Please show us proof, not opinion, please.
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Julian Assange Dragged Out of Ecuadorian Embassy and Arrested looking old as Santa Claus (relevance: 7)
by DudeLebowski on Apr 11 2019 03:03AM
Maybe he will want to give up some info on the Russia/ stole Hillary Clinton emails he published.
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Like many of you, I have one orgasm a year (relevance: 6)
by FlappyNutSack on Jan 26 2022 08:47AM
I try to get it around Easter because of the, you know, symbolism. What time of year do you try to get YOUR orgasm? There no wrong answers.
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Melania’s Red Christmas Trees! (relevance: 6)
by jimbo0618 on Nov 26 2018 08:29PM
From out of a scene in American Horror Story, Melania decides to decorate the White House with Red Christmas trees without any ornaments! What gruesome and creepy taste she has for the Christmas holiday! This is not Halloween Melania! Weird!
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Fauci — Christmas could be cancelled (relevance: 5)
by Waterdisport22 on Oct 4 2021 02:23PM
Comments: 1. This is SADLY going to be a very bad Winter! FAUCI knows WHY… ANTIBODY DEPENDENT ENHANCEMENT!! MUCH SICKNESS MUCH DEATH! His GIFT TO THE WORLD! GENOCIDAL MANIAC. 2. So we are back to calling it Christmas? Are they canceling Kwa ...
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Peace on earth, good will towards men and women (relevance: 5)
by teeitup on Dec 24 2017 08:49PM
...even an alcoholic dog. Slalom, happy kwanzaa, and joyous festivus for the rest of us. May your tree be merry and light. And may all your Christmases be without significant emotional disturbances and be of joy, prosperity and enough trash cans f ...
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1:43PM Magic moments (relevance: 5)
by teeitup on Mar 21 2017 01:55PM
She be clowning on the savior of LA. The chosen one. Superman. The hero of HIV. No Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, or Hannukah Bush for youuuuuu!
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serious (relevance: 3)
by sonya7 on Aug 16 2024 07:27PM
question for a serious project.. is it hoe or ho- I know what it technically is- but when you are referencing a ho do you type hoe or ho?
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The reason this country is doomed troisieme partie (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on Aug 13 2023 10:17PM
The whole site understands that MA is a worthless partisan hack but when you guys use up 1 of the 50 to just say that much and nothing else........well, we run out of room and have to start another blog. Happy to start the ball rolling by pointing ...
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Trump is GOD (relevance: 3)
by HunterBee on Jun 12 2023 11:10PM
You’ll see liberals, you’ll all See! The lord and savior! God emperor trump! Time to light up my trump candles and dance around a fountain of liberal tears!
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