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Articles of Impeachment (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Dec 5 2019 07:18AM
We are finally here. Pelosi said “let slip the dogs of war and cry havok.” Or something of the kind, as she gave the green light to impeach Trump.
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What's the best (relevance: 6)
by BritneyBlaze on Mar 24 2018 10:17AM
Way to commute from San Diego to Irvine without a car.? I'm flying into SD on Weds & just curious what the best way to get to OC..???
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If you had to bang one nasty democrat... (relevance: 3)
by azzmanforever on Nov 8 2021 07:41PM
Would it be: 1. AOC 2. Kamala Harris 3. Pelosi 4. Rashida Talib 5. Elizabeth Warren *this post is purely for entertainment purposes LOL
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the ultimate poker game (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Jan 21 2021 12:12PM
with mcconnell and schumer probably why he came out last week about trump being culpable and willing to vote for impeachment he could certainly be willing to sacrifice trump...which would cause a huge upheaval...EITHER way...the FATE of the GOP ...
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Southern California stay at home order to start Sat Dec 5 at 1 pm (relevance: 3)
by Night-Rider on Dec 5 2020 12:04AM
for a minimum of 3 weeks. Just so you folks know. The reason: ICU capacity was below 15% (13.1%) as of Friday. "Regions...must close hair salons, barber shops, movie theaters, ban restaurant service except for takeout and delivery, shutter ...
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Aunt Jemima Matters! (relevance: 3)
by Dr.Fate on Jun 17 2020 10:20AM
This is bullshit! Save Aunt Jemima!
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Take the “Trump Challenge” at work! (relevance: 3)
by Harpooner on Dec 8 2019 09:08AM
Take the “Trump Challenge” at work: 1. Tell a person of color that you work with to “go back where you came from.” 2. Find a person with disabilities and start waving your arms around while speaking in an altered voice to mock them. 3. ...
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Bloomberg through his hat in the ring (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Nov 24 2019 07:25AM
Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg is now an official Democratic candidate. Carry on.
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Tell me if you heard this joke. An American walks into North Korea (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jun 30 2019 02:39AM
.... And says its a step to new world peace. Several hours ago, Donald “lets make a deal” Trump walked 20 steps into North Korea to shake hands with Kim Jong Un and shook his hand. Now we know who has the supposed sex tapes. Also noted ...
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Kap wins (relevance: 3)
by redbull09 on Feb 15 2019 12:32PM
So burnsie you said he wouldn't get ten cents? NFL just settled with of course no comments from either side, also known as Trump non disclosure, for the collusion case. Want to bet it was a lot more than ten cents? Go kneelers!
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