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Trump desperately criss crosses multiple states to win them back while Biden can afford to campaign (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Oct 28 2020 11:22AM
Watch President Trump, running scared, having to criss cross the country in a desperate last attempt to win back states he won last time but is losing now. Polls show Americans are angered by his maskless rallies--which keep spreading the virus--mean ...
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I come from the future with news of the November election (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Oct 10 2020 01:22AM
OK, I got tired of all the arguing & predictions about the election, so I went forward in time & now I'm back from November 4th, 2020. Although the pundits feared no winner would be called on election night because they'd still be counting mail-in ba ...
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OrangeGuy (relevance: 3)
by Sashasteel2.0 on Oct 7 2020 08:46PM
What is up with this double rating me negative?! I HAVE NEVER EVEN HEARD OF HIM BEFORE!!!
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IS IT True? That LOOSE Abortion LAWS and Abortion Clinics USE Fetus Stem Cells In VACCINES? (relevance: 3)
by GinaGalaxy on Oct 7 2020 05:01PM
& like what if I was allergic to that fetus stem cell, like when you cant stand to be around someone, and your allergic to them (not/lol). I have also heard that among st all race that is aborted it is predominately African american /BLACK baby ...
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OMG, where on Earth is CraneOps? (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Oct 2 2020 01:59PM
"Funny" how he's stopped posting his desperate rants against Democrats & wishful thinking articles from insane websites & videos about how Trump is doing sooo much better than we've all been lead to believe. Since the news of his Fuhrer getting CO ...
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Now Lindsey Graham's crying like a little bitch just like Trump (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Sep 25 2020 09:06PM
Stupid scorpion couldn't change his nature. So in the middle of a tough re-election battle for his Senate seat, which has been 50/50 for months, he proves what a hypocrite he is. Mr. "You can use my words against me" from '16 who said Republica ...
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New York Times Editor (relevance: 3)
by jazz51 on Jul 14 2020 12:03PM
I would challenge all to read this resignation letter from one of the New York Times Editors who just departed today. Of course, the left will deflect, deny, change the subject, and probably name call. But far too many on the left feel that a ...
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So Trump might drop out? What a quitter! (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Jun 29 2020 06:02PM
Ahahaaaaa! :))
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24 Hours Fitness' new policy for working out (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on May 28 2020 04:16PM
Did you see their video? It says you're going to have to make an appointment ahead of time through an app. They'll shut down the gym for 30 minutes before you work out then after you finish, shut it down for another 30 minutes to wipe everything do ...
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COVID19 Murder suicide.... (relevance: 3)
by HoldingHeidi on Apr 7 2020 06:20PM
Apparently a man in Illinois killed his girlfriend of 8 years and then himself out of fear they both had contracted the virus.... Autopsies came back negative - they were fine. This hasn't been the first case of murder/suicide attributed to the ...
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