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Remedy for Shitcan (relevance: 6)
by TheAlterEgo on Jun 27 2023 09:11PM
Shitcan here is some masculinity for you!
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Motivation for Betas (relevance: 6)
by TheAlterEgo on Mar 22 2023 10:38PM
Some motivation for betas like Shitcan, who cant define a woman.
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Any1 notice the media trying make Black people look bad with biased coverage? I suspect these are st (relevance: 6)
by witler5 on Aug 16 2022 10:03PM
The media is trying to make Black people look bad, by only showing crimes committed by Black people against Hispanics and Asians. These "criminals" are likely paid actors who commit fake staged events that look like crimes.
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Need help please (relevance: 6)
by Allison_Snow on Nov 2 2021 09:54PM
So my apartment complex has been overwatering for about a month now. I have made many complaints within the last month and kept note of it. On Halloween I slipped and fell in the mud and sprained my wrist, knee, hip and ankle. I went to urgent care h ...
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Is it just me or is Beijing Biden a drooling retard? You guys voted for him (relevance: 6)
by gordonschumway on Feb 12 2021 06:06PM
It's sad to watch the mental decline of anyone...but how evil the libtards are for using him this way...only to cast him aside in two years...
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Parler's CEO Fired By The Board Cos He Can't Get Anyone To Carry It; Haha Now Where Will You Guys Go (relevance: 6)
by SonOfAdams on Feb 4 2021 11:45PM
If that wasn't enough, that stupid My Pillow guy was drowned out by one of the Newsmax hosts for rambling on & on about the lection being stolen. The conclusion of Newsmax--which you lunatics said was better than Fox (too liberal for you)--is the th ...
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I feel as thou Humaniplex is becoming... (relevance: 6)
by vss4 on Jan 11 2021 09:04AM
The last bastion of freedom on the internet
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bernie quits the race (relevance: 6)
by heliman on Apr 8 2020 09:31AM
Looks like it biden.
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Nila (relevance: 6)
by vss4 on Sep 6 2017 02:06PM
I am starting this blog because Nila is the current hottness right now and just want to jump on Nila hype train
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Expert Doctors Conclude WaterDisport22 will die of Terminal Bullshit Right-Wing Conspiracy Excessive (relevance: 5)
by SonOfAdams on Nov 29 2021 12:40PM
Newsflash: Two world renown doctors have examined WaterDisport22 & concluded that if he doesn�t stop his incessant postings, he will definitely die of Terminal Bullshit Right-Wing Conspiracy Excessive Blogging Syndrome. Just like wel ...
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