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Quick question (relevance: 3)
by TomTraubert on Aug 25 2023 03:50PM
Has anyone ever seen a Republican complain about GPS? Seems like this is ironically the purview of broke ass closet misogynist libtards masquerading as know it all smarter and holier than thou good guys Asking for a friend
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Trump mug shot, part 2 (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Aug 25 2023 08:37AM
Latest numbers show Trumpnis in deep dung outside if his fanatics.
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Trump Mug Shot (relevance: 3)
by SeymourButz on Aug 24 2023 04:43PM
For sale. Going for $10,000.00 on the dark web. The perfect dart board bulls eye.
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Tropical storm - the morning after (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Aug 21 2023 07:27AM
Looks like Palm Springs took a beating. Baja California footage shows water up to people’s second story. Lots of debris washed out of Compton.
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I have seen it so many times (relevance: 3)
by Tabie on Aug 20 2023 09:38AM
Gentlemen who get married after being an active hobbyist. They either delete their account or say they will not be active. Most last at the most 6 months. Some 4 months. They have to start over and I get that Pm and I get to say , “ I told you not ...
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The real issue in American politics (relevance: 3)
by TomTraubert on Aug 6 2023 03:50PM
is not what DJT did or did not do. It's how brain dead bat shit crazy stupid democrats are: "Did Donald Trump believe the 2020 election was stolen? Who knows? Discerning his thoughts would be as challenging as breaking into an iPhone without the p ...
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Trump indicted, part 2 (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jun 9 2023 11:10PM
Trump’s 2nd indictment: The former president is facing 31 counts of “willful retention” of classified records, as well as several counts related to his alleged effort to obstruct the investigation. “Oh no oh no,” one Trump employe ...
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Transcript of my call to flappynutsack (relevance: 3)
by Eulogy on May 5 2023 11:46AM
Hello, yeah, it's been a while Not much, how 'bout you? I'm not sure why I called I guess, I really just wanted to talk to you And I was thinking maybe later on We could get together for a while It's been such a long time And I really do miss ...
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Defund the FBI and DOJ! (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on Apr 11 2023 11:29AM
Donald Trump the indicted con man and crook wants to defund the FBI and the DOJ! Now that he is finally being held accountable for one of his many crimes, he wants to defund our top law enforcement agencies. I remember all of the pushback and critici ...
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First Trump's going to trial, now, so is Fox News! Ahahaaaaa (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Apr 1 2023 03:13AM
It's official! If this country ever goes to civil war, it'll be because these bastards decided the truth wasn't as important as making money on lies (and Fox hosts and executives admitted it in emails to each other). And with ignorance and just pla ...
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