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War Coverage (relevance: 6)
by ocguy66 on Oct 8 2023 07:00AM
Is it me, or is there just not a lot of coverage of Ukraine/Russia war? Israel/Hamas is all over the place. I want to see where my tax dollars are going to.... Something like: Here’s a $500,000 rocket blowing up a weapons cache or here’s a $3 ...
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Traitor General Miley (relevance: 6)
by Waterdisport22 on Sep 14 2021 03:56PM
General Milley told China in a secret phone call that he would give advance warning if U.S. were planning an attack. “If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.” General Mark Milley se ...
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My shit bang (relevance: 3)
by Ayla_Amour on May 30 2024 07:53PM
Drake or Kendrick? Pshh fuck the big 3 ITS EARL MOTHERFUCKIN STEVENS ALL DAY FOREVER ( Ok I love the big 3 dont come at me ) Its just 40 reigns supreme and is still out here crushing. Actual fr LIVING LEGEND. Just sayin. Get off tik tok and lis ...
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M1A asks what is on Hunter's laptop (relevance: 3)
by Grumpy_Butthead on Apr 3 2024 10:02AM
Here is how the Post analyzed Hunter Biden's laptop Two experts confirm the veracity of thousands of emails, but say a thorough examination was stymied by missing data I call it a cluster fuck. Interesting read
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30 Years of Russia Seeking Peace with the West Tucker Crlson (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Feb 11 2024 10:33PM
The short highlighted version or the full 2 hr with history lesson. .
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New finding about the nature ofTrump Base Part II (relevance: 3)
by Rahcrener on Jan 15 2024 04:11PM (Part 1) Mostly emotional/irrational responses about how gases were cheaper/how excellent the economic growth was during Trump years. The truth is that every president inherits the one from previous admini ...
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Thank you Joe Biden (relevance: 3)
by SeymourButz on Oct 24 2023 04:44PM
Gasoline is now $4.65 for regular where I live. He's doing a fantastic job in the middle east as well. Two battle groups in the region flexing Joe's biceps. My hero.
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Bitcoin at the end of April 2023 (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Apr 26 2023 06:34AM
After a slow dive earlier this month, bitcoin is coming back strong as banking worries continue. As of this morning it’s up almost 10% and climbing, for those of you who hold bitcoin.
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JAN 6th footage slowly coming out (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Mar 7 2023 05:05AM
thousand and thousand of hrs...not sure how much is coming, but should be really interesting let's see if this adds some color to the conversation
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not only blacks...WLM on the way dammit (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Mar 3 2023 04:55PM
Utah police pulled the white man over because he was allegedly driving without license plates and now you can quit the race shit probably should start complying a bit more...white people also
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