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There's a special place in hell... (relevance: 12)
by Trooth on Mar 31 2017 10:13AM
For women. The epitome of evil.
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Free FXPoints! 725-333-8998 (relevance: 9)
by Trooth on Jan 5 2019 05:05PM
725-333-8998 I have a ton of FXPoints I have no need for. So here's a contest! Register the most ridiculous domains you can think of, with this number as the contact info: 725-333-8998 If it's confirmable, you'll get a minimum of 5000 FXPoi ...
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Don't get married! (relevance: 6)
by Trooth on Nov 25 2023 04:42PM
Do what you're gonna do. None of us should be on this thing but trust me... Marriage is will drain your soul.
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All the GOP has to do to collapse the Democrat party is to pay Bernie Sanders to switch over (relevance: 6)
by witler5 on Aug 16 2022 12:10AM
Tulsi Gabbard practically already switched, she literally was the replacement for Tucker Carlson when he was on vacation! Then there’s Andrew Yang starting to a 3rd party. I don’t think many like his alternative, but it still peels away people ...
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"Affect: vs "Effect" (relevance: 6)
by Trooth on Feb 6 2022 03:38PM
Grammarly commercials are stupid as fuck. If some retarded millenial doesn't know the difference between "affect" and "effect", they don't deserve a job. They deserve a death more painful than what illegal Eastern Indian telemarketerss deserve. Dy ...
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Come on it's Friday, can we just all get along and have some fun? (relevance: 6)
by Trooth on Jan 15 2021 01:25PM
... and remember this good shit?
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Awesomeness! (relevance: 6)
by Trooth on Jun 13 2019 02:25PM
Ok who is willing to admit that they love this song but forgot about it?
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Amazing friends (relevance: 6)
by Trooth on Mar 12 2017 10:40PM
It's important to have friends who actually give a fuck about you to give you shit and beat the living shit out of you when they see you fucking up.
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Who has the longest.. (relevance: 3)
by DahliaLove on Jun 6 2023 01:06PM
....standing HX relationship? I will be turning 40 this year!!! I joined HX in my early 20's, that's a lot of lovin, Dahlia lovin'!!! lol B) I have made some very special and long lasting relationships here. :X So, how long have you been luck ...
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Biden running for 2024! (relevance: 3)
by kidbilly on Oct 4 2022 08:24AM
Wow. His mind is half gone, feel sorry for him.
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