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Vincent Price (relevance: 3)
by rizzo on Sep 10 2017 12:53AM
He was the Man when it came to horror movies. Staying up late to watch House on Haunted Hill. His voice is perfect. Nice and sinister! Muahahaha
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Fake Climate Change (relevance: 3)
by Angler1 on Aug 31 2017 12:57AM
Please continue.
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You know you're fucked when (relevance: 3)
by dblednmike on Aug 5 2017 10:09PM
You have to repeat your order 5 times at the drive thru and you're not doing any special requests. We raised the fucking minimum wage, step up fuckers!
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Are we Tired of SOOO MUCH Winning yet!!!! Latest US standing In world (relevance: 3)
by coolhotavi50 on Jun 27 2017 09:06PM
New world renown Pew Research Came out today!!!!!! Wait I thought world is RESPECTING US MORE with this Carrot top ... another Fake News!!!!
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Mother of all Bombs... (relevance: 3)
by redbull09 on Apr 13 2017 10:31AM
And it wasn't N. Korea that dropped it littlemommymaz! Even Ann Coulter has ripped trumpy a new one : "What will we get for bombing Syria besides more debt and a possible long term conflict? Obama needs Congressional approval. — Aug. 31, 2013: Be ...
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There's a special place in hell... (relevance: 3)
by Trooth on Mar 31 2017 10:13AM
For women. The epitome of evil.
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latest two state calif map (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Mar 30 2017 05:01AM
not north and south...that was always the thing for past twenty water for you. this is left and conservatives. west-ca border stops in long beach...oc and san diego are east-ca
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I gotta go to work (relevance: 3)
by HawaiianPunch on Jan 9 2017 12:54AM
Need to get promoted to middle management before I retire.
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Going to Hawaii? (relevance: 3)
by lamar on Jan 8 2017 10:35AM
Take you skies, two feet of snow fell over the peaks of the Big Island of Hawaii, including Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa. Another foot expected with today's storm.
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