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Tool Tomorrow @ Honda Center (relevance: 3)
by Zeros on Jan 18 2022 01:41AM
Still excited for these fuckers all these years later.
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Profile deactivation (relevance: 3)
by Jenna_Besos on Jan 16 2022 02:26PM
Hi friends!! I recently got an alert that my profile was deactivate due to violation of terms of service. All I added was check out my only fans. Can anyone tell me what I did wrong and how to avoid it next time please?
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resizing (relevance: 3)
by SkysBlessedHands on Jan 4 2022 10:44AM
Would anyone be able to tell/show me how to resize my photos...I want to upload some for these lovely contest but it keeps telling my photos are too flippen large.
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Check out the state migration chart for 2021 Guess who is number #1 (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Dec 24 2021 01:46AM
The big losers are Massachusetts, Illinois, New York and California. While the winners in the Covid migration sweepstakes are Arizona, Texas and Florida is #1. Comments: Not mine Wonder if this has anything to do with how states handled C ...
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Goodbye dearest Heather (relevance: 3)
by bird on Dec 15 2021 11:14PM
"@bird, yes a bachelors at 27 with NO debt, and furthermore don’t have to deal with the morons like you. I hope all of you who are typing away comments like yours are not living in a basement or hating life so much that you have to attempt to belit ...
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99% Vaccinated Cal Football Team 44 Positive Rona Tests Cancel USC Game (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Nov 12 2021 07:16AM
Berkeley’s Department of Public Health laid out previously unreported details about what is clearly a major Covid outbreak in the Cal football program — including that at least 44 people in the program have tested positive for Covid over the past ...
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What's that smell? (relevance: 3)
by edluve on Oct 13 2021 04:01PM
I went to IKEA in Carson the other day and almost puked when I got out of my car. Apparently I am not the only one.
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T cell testing sites (relevance: 3)
by tacobandit on Sep 10 2021 09:37PM
Anyone had their T cells checked? Where did you go?
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3rd shot starting September 20 (relevance: 3)
by Angler1 on Aug 19 2021 01:17PM
Are the sheep already for another shot? Will there be a need to get a booster shot Every 8 months?
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Learn How to Fight Mandatory Injections from Constitutional Attorney Robert Barnes (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Aug 15 2021 11:58AM
Robert Barnes of To break down what people can do when faced with mandatory injections. .
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