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Waterdisport22 (relevance: 7)
by Grumpy_Butthead on Oct 5 2021 12:22PM
Is there any chance you will take a blogging break anytime soon? I have no problem with what you type it is the volume. Please consider a week vacation.

RFK Jr Destroys The Fauci Industrial Complex (relevance: 6)
by AFMadness on Apr 12 2023 09:09AM
At a speech at Hillsdale College RFK Jr dismantled the official pandemic narrative. Also filed for the Office of President. A week or two ago. .
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Apology Long Over Due is Due NOW (relevance: 6)
by Waterdisport22 on Jan 6 2023 04:34PM
The doctors of this country of all Western Civ, really owe their citizens an apology and an explanation, and even then, they might not be able to save modern medicine. The doctors have dishonored and disgraced their profession. They promulgated a Co ...
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Pfizer Bombshell Has Some Explaining To Do (relevance: 6)
by Waterdisport22 on Oct 11 2022 11:36AM
Member of the European Parliament Robert Roos In COVID hearing, #Pfizer director admits: #vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission. "Get vaccinated for others" was always a lie. The only purpose of the #COVID passport: forci ...
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Proof of the existence of U.S. funded Bio-Labs in the Ukraine are no longer a conspiracy theory (relevance: 6)
by AFMadness on Mar 12 2022 11:38PM
As the majority of US media as well as the federal government refuse to admit the truth about the labs, alternative media outlets have been at the forefront of proving their existence. You have to attack one's credibilty because you can not face w ...
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Did Mask Mandates and Lockdowns Work. Here is the SCIENCE. (relevance: 6)
by Waterdisport22 on Mar 8 2022 06:15AM
Dr. Joseph Fraiman: Personally, I would like to apologize to the three other scientists sitting with me here on Zoom, the proponents of the Great Barrington Declaration I'm sorry, because I believe now you guys were correct. And you were correct from ...
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Pfizes COVID-19 Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Changes your DNA (relevance: 6)
by Waterdisport22 on Mar 2 2022 03:40PM
This is the first time that researchers have shown in vitro or inside a petri dish how an mRNA vaccine is converted into DNA on a human liver cell line, and is what health experts and fact-checkers said for over a year could NOT occur. THEY LIED-- ...
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So how many of you feel for the fear porn? (relevance: 6)
by Normal_Guy on Feb 12 2022 02:04AM
Remeber when Trump wanted to open up by easter 2 years ago, and the media attacked him, saying that it was selfish and we need to put live before lively hood? ...
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4th Player drop out of Austrilian Open due to chest and heart issue. (relevance: 6)
by Normal_Guy on Jan 20 2022 08:27AM
Wow since my last post I didn't even have to wait 1 and this happens: 4 players had to dopped the match so far. Not to mention all the players that are ...
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Another day, another vaccinated athlete develop myocarditis (relevance: 6)
by Normal_Guy on Jan 17 2022 07:37PM
Seriously, this is sad and funny at the same time. Alphonso Davies perfectly healthy soccer player, got 2 shots had heart pr ...
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