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Triple Vax'd Have a SERIOUS Problem (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Dec 23 2021 03:10PM
It does mean, though, that the current Omicron outbreak is largely an epidemic of the vaccinated and is being driven, not by the unvaccinated, but by those who have been double and triple jabbed. Combined with the fact that Omicron has quickly grown ...
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The double-Vaccinated are a threat to the triple-Vaccinated (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Dec 18 2021 11:59AM
Ontario top doctor's holiday advice: 'Avoid social contact with anyone older, even with two doses' Ontario's top doctor is advising those who have yet to receive a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to avoid celebrating with elderly loved ones i ...
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Choose who you are!!! (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on Dec 17 2021 10:26PM
Why be an asshole and post 5 times to end the blog? Why does anybody have to choose between one or the other? It's not a sliding scale between one pole and the other. Black vs white, that's the choice? ...
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Clay Travis makes a damn good point… (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Dec 17 2021 12:48PM
Clay Travis — “The NFL is 95% vaccinated, the NBA is 97% vaccinated, the NHL is nearly 100% vaccinated. All three leagues are still overwhelmed and hitting new Covid case highs. So how is Joe Biden arguing vaccines will end Covid? The pro sport ...
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Dr. Peter McCullough blockbuster interview with Joe Rogan (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Dec 15 2021 09:10AM
McCullough, a practicing internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist, and chief medical advisor of Truth for Health Foundation, told Rogan that from the outset of the pandemic, there were a number of sinister ways doctors worldwide were restricted ...
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South Africa's Biovac making Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in 2022 (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Dec 7 2021 03:16PM
American population: 320 million (approx) American Deaths from Covid: 700,000 range...reported Africa population 1.2 BILLION (2016) Africa Deaths from Covid: 220,000 Conclusion. Africa with 4 times the US population has a lower ...
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Thinning the herd. Trump voters most likely to die for being stupid. (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Dec 5 2021 04:42AM
Well, time and facts(and body bags) are proving that misinformation will get you killed. The number of MORTALITIES can no longer be ignored. “ Misinformation appears to be a major factor in the lagging vaccination rates. The Kaiser Family F ...
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Swiss Banker TELLS ALL - Crypto vs. Banking | Crypto Insider (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Nov 27 2021 12:20PM
The end of this video is very telling of peoples lack of understanding of Money and the Banking system. My dealings with the IRS and the IRC / Internal Revenue Code. Has lead me along a path of learning what the Fiat currency system is about. ...
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Another one & another one & another one Seeing a pattern here? (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Nov 27 2021 09:01AM
Sherrif Tiraspol winger Adama Traore becomes the latest high-profile player to collapse on the pitch as he goes down clutching his chest in their Champions League defeat to Real Madrid Sherrif Tiraspol witnessed disturbing scenes when winger Ada ...
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Man denied Monoclonal Antibody treatment… B/C he’s white… (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Nov 15 2021 10:30AM
Huh.... "Denied medical service b/c of race?" "You should be able to fight off Covid....." And she goes on to say you then can FIGHT it off...... SOOOO why again are we STILL being forced to "fill in the blank" if it just affects elderl ...
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