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The Movie (relevance: 3)
by ArabianQueen on Mar 21 2020 02:48PM
Kingsman, have you watched it? Thoughts? Very interesting reminds me of what’s happening with covid 19, plus it’s a great movie
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I know I’m weird to ask here but perhaps you guys know some place/hacks I don’t (relevance: 3)
by AngeliseAdore on Feb 18 2020 10:46PM
So my mother is getting to the point where my siblings and I are thinking we should begin to prepare for end of life arrangements. I know nothing about the funeral/ end of life (?) industry. My mother has end of life reimbursement through her employm ...
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Level 0's stay 0 for a reason (relevance: 3)
by db7c on Dec 23 2019 05:33PM
Kind request for the ladies of HX: When an appt is made and confirmed, please keep it. A few minutes is never a problem. But, confirming an appt, then making a guy wait 30+ minutes after knowing he drove all the way there and parked is uncool. ...
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Fake Pics (relevance: 3)
by ptaylor78 on Jul 28 2018 04:58PM
I never blog but I wanted to know if there is something to click on a members page if every single one of their pictures is fake?
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