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Will Kamala be the first VP to ever have (relevance: 12)
by Kayman on Nov 14 2020 10:32AM
sucked a dick?
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Your Average USian Has No Clue Who Launched 9/11 (relevance: 9)
by witler5 on Sep 17 2022 12:19PM

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The GOP Pardon Posse! (relevance: 9)
by jimbo0618 on Jun 23 2022 09:42PM
I love it! GOP Reps. Man-Face MGT, Bullet Vest Mo, Jeffrey Epstein Gaetz, Liar Perry, Gomer Pyle Gohmert, and Fake AZ Electors Biggs all wanted pardons from their Daddy Orange-Man Trump for spreading lies about the 2020 election being stolen. Mo came ...
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The reason this country is doomed (relevance: 8)
by TomTraubert on Aug 12 2023 04:22PM
I can only hope and pray this idiot sent this to me privately instead of replying on the blogs is deep down he knows how colossal stupid it is. But I fear he really believes this shit and this is why we are doomed to four more years of destroying Ame ...
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This is why everyone hates MA1 (relevance: 6)
by TheAlterEgo on Sep 6 2023 11:59PM
:)) =)) :)) =)) “You can’t win arguments when you’re clearly wrong. These fucking blogs are useless when one side (conservatives, in case you’re confused) are whining, lying bitches.” What a leftist smug faggot MA1 is lol
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In Tears (relevance: 6)
by SeymourButz on Jun 14 2023 06:45AM
Did anyone else see the thousands of supporters crying, and in emotional tears when President Trumps motorcade traveled thru the city. The streets were clogged with well wishers. Such a beautiful sight to see all the support this precious man has. ...
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Why are the LIBTARDS (relevance: 6)
by Angler1 on Jun 26 2022 02:00PM
Why are the LIBTARDS always crying, rioting and whining like spoil brats? Burning cities 2 nights in a row so far. How many nights will this continue? How can anyone even support this crap?
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New finding about the nature ofTrump Base Part II (relevance: 5)
by Rahcrener on Jan 15 2024 04:11PM (Part 1) Mostly emotional/irrational responses about how gases were cheaper/how excellent the economic growth was during Trump years. The truth is that every president inherits the one from previous admini ...
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and the idiot of the century award goes to.... (relevance: 5)
by TomTraubert on Jul 20 2023 04:15PM
@mildlyamusing1 for this golden nugget "Republicans are generally motivated by greed and democrats are generally altruistic" LMFAO. The last 5 republican presidents came to office wealthy. The last 3 democratic presidents came multi multi multi ...
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The betrayal of America by the Supreme Court part 3 (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Mar 2 2024 09:33AM
“The Biden admin coordinating all these indictments is the actual threat to democracy, Trump was and never will be a threat to democracy lmao such a low IQ take. Claiming trump is a threat while the current administration actively uses the court to ...
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