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Luvher (relevance: 3)
by TheAlterEgo on Nov 1 2018 02:36PM
Is a real home girl 💪
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Daddy issues, Trump style (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Oct 27 2018 07:21AM
Attempted bomber Cesar "MAGA" Sayoc's family lawyer has given a statement, and it's a doozy. --------------------------------- “This was someone lost,“ attorney Ron Lowy told Anderson Cooper on CNN Friday. He said Sayoc was “abandoned ...
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NFL pr (relevance: 3)
by Makingiteasy on Sep 4 2018 09:00PM
The NFL draft is the biggest sham of Economics I have ever seen.
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WOLF-LIKE CREATURE shot in Montana stuns Officials (relevance: 3)
by AshleySoFresh on May 25 2018 10:04PM
This little fucker is scary looking... They are doing dna tests on it to see what it is! 😮 Looks like a bear coyote hybrid to me...
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Weak signal (relevance: 3)
by Angelababy on Apr 19 2018 12:44PM
Weak signal in My house with simply iPhone 7 , any way can make signal stronger? Please help me😘😘😘😘 don’t wanna miss call from mom😭😭😭😭😭
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There is no bad information on 2nd_Handle. (relevance: 3)
by 1_Kind_Man on Mar 8 2018 04:00AM
If there is, it is False.
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Shit what do I do (relevance: 3)
by TheAlterEgo on Feb 23 2018 12:37PM
Auto deposit kicked in, venmo funds kicked in, Paypal kicked in and I cashed out On weekly side jobs.... Wtf do I do, it’s a Friday! Inb4: op is a fagot (I beat you to it)
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New phone wont play the youtube videos on HX blogs. (relevance: 3)
by lamar on Jan 15 2018 10:48PM
I just switched from a Samsung galaxy S3 to a Samsung galaxy S7. It says no plugin. The S3 played the videos just fine.
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Big Fat Old Man and Little Fat Rocket Man! Who has the Bigger Button? (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on Jan 2 2018 08:17PM
Drumpf is going to start WW3, just to prove his masculinity or lack thereof! For all of you who voted for him, get ready to send your offsprings to war! As in the past, old white men always start s_ _t, but expect the young to fight and lose their li ...
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Click bait ladies (relevance: 3)
by rico619 on Dec 10 2017 08:35PM
You “subscribe for more pics” ladies that don’t have more pics when we subscribe should be ashamed of yourselves. I know your parents taught you better than to lie...
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