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Sorry alien beings but no monoliths on public lands... (relevance: 14)
by NPembrush on Nov 24 2020 10:04PM
Darn Utah government is preventing aliens from installing monoliths.
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Arizona Pushing back on Federal Gov over reach of audit---READ LETTER (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Jun 15 2021 05:37AM
Finally a state that understands his letter. Brilliant............... Arizona’s attorney general today warned the Biden Justice Department to back off its criticism of the state Senate’s audit of the Maricopa County 202 ...
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HOUSE and SENATE 2 (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Nov 5 2020 04:59AM
today should be the day that Biden says he is the winner with 270 plus
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A different take on blm from Black Americans Pt. 3 (relevance: 3)
by Atticus_Finch on Jul 7 2020 08:18AM
@ GE 'You keep taking about these successful black people you know' Where did I mention my friends? Maybe you should re-read the post, it obviously refers to the video. But, seriously, tell me what it is about the video that chaps your hide ...
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Trump to name (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Aug 17 2019 08:12PM
The anti-fa as a terrorist organization, as the Portland protest of far right and far left lead to clashes. Nothing to say about the alt-right, though. They are gettin another pass.
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