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May the 4th Be With You! Let's celebrate! (relevance: 5)
by Athena.Knight89 on May 4 2023 07:21AM
May 4th, -OR- "May the 4th Be With You," marks a celebration of all things Star Wars. TODAY ~~> Star Wars fans. like ME ;;)

The Night Before Biden (relevance: 5)
by IMNventR on Jan 19 2021 05:37PM
THE NIGHT BEFORE BIDEN �Twas the night before Biden, and all through the White House Not a patriot stirred for that Democrat louse. The thieves and the criminals, liars and frauds Were all celebrating their rigging the odds. They corrup ...

Nite nite Rush Limbaugh (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Feb 17 2021 09:43AM
Rush is gone @ 70 Those cigars did him in Agree with him or not.... he was entertaining.
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Trump doing well for Middle East peace before leaving office. (relevance: 3)
by Night-Rider on Dec 10 2020 02:24PM
Israel and Morocco have agreed to normalize relations. This is the fourth Arab-Israeli agreement in four months. The first three countries that agreed to normalize relations have been the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Sudan. The agreement s ...
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