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san fran's wake up call (relevance: 5)
by InsearchofStarfish on Dec 11 2019 04:19AM
Oracle Is Moving Its Massive Conference Out of San Francisco. Are Dirty Streets to Blame? 64million hit to local economy

h0t3L.C0d£§ (relevance: 3)
by GinaGalaxy on Jun 10 2023 01:17AM
M@rr!O++= IBM,GEE H1L+0/\/= same
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Day's Range 25137.23 to 26787.33 (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Jun 12 2022 11:02PM
it's quite possible thins gets to and maybe thru the next key support level at 23600...crazy how fast this all happens. any thoughts/experience on the grayscale bitcoin fund? GBTC ? might be a good play inside an IRA or ROTH as this thing ...
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Fuck you SQL! (relevance: 3)
by FlappyNutSack on Apr 24 2022 06:47AM
I got YourSQL right here, bitch!
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MR. B1D3N now in Long Beach to Speak Tues 8/14 about the Democratic Recall on Newsome (relevance: 3)
by GinaGalaxy on Sep 14 2021 01:57AM
So! take it EZ So Cal! Heres the link!
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Palm Springs (relevance: 3)
by DMRem75 on Aug 1 2021 04:53PM
So what happened to Allycat75? Something did she went from cool as fuck to ice cold in about 1/2 a second. Does anyone have any clue to what the deal is???
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A Law only CA Progressives could love AB 2088 (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on Dec 19 2020 02:12PM
Tax anyone who spends 60 days or more in the State of CA And, hunt them down for that tax for the next 10 years after they leave Tax them on their entire worldwide net worth each year for 10 years, even though they don't live here and were just vis ...
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Former Department of Homeland Security Chief under Trump endorses Biden (relevance: 3)
by Mr.Horndog on Aug 19 2020 11:10PM
Damn, another high level Trump administration member thinks Trump's inept. There's a reason why so many staff members have left this administration.
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Trivia (relevance: 3)
by TheWickedWitch on Jul 28 2020 05:42PM
Name a profession from the 60s 70s 80s 90s 00’s that is now obsolete.
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Money moves II (relevance: 3)
by taste.u on May 15 2020 05:30PM
This was an interesting topic someone previously posted. So, besides women, wine and song, who has some sound investment advice in these uncertain times?
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