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Television Shows part 2 (relevance: 3)
by lapierre on Mar 17 2022 10:01AM
Anyone come across any watch worthy shows lately? I am done with 1883 - kinda rough ending. Now started on Yellowstone but seems you need a subscription to watch it.. Started watching Winning Time - about Lakers around the time when Dr Buss bou ...
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Where is China in all this Ukraine chaos (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Mar 11 2022 12:45PM
Looks like the Chinese are backing the Russian spin in how things are going. We now know where they will be should triggers be released.
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ok wheres my (relevance: 3)
by jaydensosweet on Mar 10 2022 08:35AM
dentist at??? I remember about 10 years ago (under my old handle) I did have someone on here that did me the favor of pulling a wisdom tooth, in OC then anther one in Del mar ...anyways Im on the lookout again. Im in extreme pain,cant close my ...
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Rachel Madcow Maddow and 6 million dollar question. (relevance: 3)
by Normal_Guy on Feb 15 2022 01:29AM
Here a question for you wacky liberals, so Rachel Maddow, you know miss "Trump tax return", "Russian Hoax" pusher. She has a cushy job of about 6 million a year roughly, she walking away from that to work on a documentary that no one has any inte ...
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Covid is done (relevance: 3)
by Angler1 on Feb 9 2022 06:05AM
Now what LIBTARDS, climate emergency? =))
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getting this shit off the air is probably a good start (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Feb 1 2022 07:33PM
loved her in a few movies, but she got to go....but maybe suspended with pay for two weeks 'The View' host suspended over Holocaust claim saying death of 6 million Jews ‘wasn’t about race’ any conversations with barbara walters? ...
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Hugh Hefner - good guy or bad guy (relevance: 3)
by Gateway on Jan 24 2022 08:09PM
Recently read about an expose by one of Hugh Hefner's young girl friends. She saw the "devil" in him. Hugh Hefner's son said he was actually a caring person. I personally never knew him but had two people talk to me about him. (1) I and all my ...
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Sydney Poitier (relevance: 3)
by SkurferGurl on Jan 7 2022 07:40AM
Died at 94 True Hollywood legend, RIP.
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Who's the Biggest Liar? (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on Dec 8 2021 10:00PM
Not who told more lies but who told the bigliest lie? It's my blog, so no adding new names. Just who and which lie GO! 1. Jessie Smollett 2. Donald Trump 3. Elizabeth Holmes 4. Joe Biden
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Shatners law (relevance: 3)
by TheWickedWitch on Oct 13 2021 03:52AM
3 min of weightlessness. Pretty cool lol Go Shatner!
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