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bernie quits the race (relevance: 46)
by heliman on Apr 8 2020 09:31AM
Looks like it biden.
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Bernie Sanders had an emergency heart procedure (relevance: 43)
by DudeLebowski on Oct 2 2019 10:52PM
Don't know if this is it for his campaign but at 78 it might be. Maybe its better for him to bow out instead trying to get the most stress filled job in the world.
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All the GOP has to do to collapse the Democrat party is to pay Bernie Sanders to switch over (relevance: 42)
by witler5 on Aug 16 2022 12:10AM
Tulsi Gabbard practically already switched, she literally was the replacement for Tucker Carlson when he was on vacation! Then there’s Andrew Yang starting to a 3rd party. I don’t think many like his alternative, but it still peels away people ...
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Think about this if you want to vote for Bernie... (relevance: 36)
by Night-Rider on Mar 1 2020 02:50PM
1. He is not a Scandinavian socialist, as he claims, where he lets companies do their thing and then taxes them a whole lot to make the world a better place. Instead, he thinks capitalism needs to be radically weakened: He wants to take 20% of the ...
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Biden (relevance: 35)
by mbc2000 on Mar 3 2020 09:25PM
This is amazing. He's winning in states he didn't spend any money or any kind of operation. I waited till noon today to vote. I really liked mayor pete. He may be the future of the party. I thought sanders had young minority vote but couldn't get ol ...
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NH primary (relevance: 33)
by InsearchofStarfish on Feb 10 2020 09:39PM
25 percent of people at the trump rally were registered democrats probably safe to say trump will be taking NH in novemeber
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Buttigieg drops out (relevance: 24)
by sherkahn on Mar 1 2020 05:57PM
Well, fuck, there was someone I would have paid good money to see debate Trump for Presidency. Looks like Pete is aiming for the VP part of the ticket. Oh, and Speaking of VP, Michelle Obama is being pushed hard after the South Carolina win.
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Not about Biden anymore 3 (relevance: 24)
by KaiserSoce on Feb 28 2020 11:32PM
“Why don’t the countries of Scandinavia need minimum wages guys?” It’s a legitimate question that requires a detailed answer. One reason they don’t need a minimum wage is that entitlements provided through high taxation guarantee basi ...
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Trumps Ukrainian Transcript Released (relevance: 24)
by DudeLebowski on Sep 25 2019 12:02PM
or what was released. Trump is clearly asking the guy to investigate Biden and the Ukrainian president is saying he will do anything Trump wants to bring the two countries closer.
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democrats (relevance: 21)
by heliman on May 2 2020 11:34PM
Do you believe in their way of thinking?
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