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Prophecies of Nostradamus 2021 (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jan 2 2021 01:43PM
Oh hi, everyone! Looks like we can’t wait to shit our pants again, so here are the prophecy of Nostradamus for the next year. 1. Global famine. Stock up and non-perishables! Nostradamus predicted "a greater trouble is prepared" for us ...
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this is going to be fucking brutal...dude is gone mentally (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Dec 30 2020 02:50PM
Joe Biden refers to Kamala Harris as ‘president-elect’ By Ebony Bowden December 29, 2020
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US Civil War , part 3 (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Nov 20 2020 02:16PM
Just got word that one of the guys who works next door quit his job in safety and security and his other career (do my want to give him away) and is setting up a training school for coworkers for the coming Civil War. Ugh, here we go.
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If "Dictator" Trump pulls all our troops out of Afghanistan before leaving office (relevance: 3)
by Kayman on Nov 13 2020 07:52AM
how will the Left react? Welcome it like anti war zealots against US intervention, or rebuke it like the status quo military industrial establishment?
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Liberals really believe that biden (relevance: 3)
by tacobandit on Nov 5 2020 10:53PM
Couldnt get 100 people to come to his rally yet he has amassed the most votes by any president ever despite severely under performing in democratic strongholds like VA and NY. There isnt a shred of doubt in your mind this is legit?
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Election winner, 100% certainty (relevance: 3)
by FlappyNutSack on Nov 2 2020 02:33PM
Russia. While you braindead fucks are arguing about mumbled words and YouTube videos, our internal division and lack of world leadership couldn’t delight the Kremlin more. China will be Vice President.
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I predict Tuesday night tears (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Oct 29 2020 06:06AM
For half of you guys. Me, I’m going to throw a steak on the grill... and flip back and forth between FONEWS and CNN to watch the meltdown. I’m hoping Trump wins just because I think it might be possible Van Jones literally offs himself live ...
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Say something nice about the candidate you aren’t voting for! (relevance: 3)
by Night-Rider on Oct 22 2020 01:18AM
Ok Hxers. Here’s a big challenge! See if you even can do it! Say something nice about the Presidential candidate you aren’t voting for. Make it genuine. No backhanded shit. Ok. I’ll start. Trump’s throwing a massive amount of ...
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There isn't a single plan, agenda or policy on Trump's presidential website, yet he wants your money (relevance: 3)
by Mr.Horndog on Oct 16 2020 07:04PM
Our country is dealing with a pandemic and the Republicans still have no healthcare plan. Yet the Republican priority during a pandemic is to push through a Supreme Court Justice who has overwhelmingly ruled to erode consumer protection laws. Good ...
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Tonites Debate- Alternative Take (relevance: 3)
by Quat on Oct 7 2020 11:40PM
I thought the debate sucked and provided potent evidence of why the country would be better off without any Pres/VP debates. It is all about attacks, appearances, and tactics and very little about ideas and plans for the future. I doubt I heard eit ...
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