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Stocks plunge (relevance: 3)
by jimmmyz on Mar 9 2020 06:47AM
For the first time, stocks triggered the mandatory trading halt, by falling almost 2000 points!
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Corona virus just hit DC. (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Mar 8 2020 08:58AM
First case identified at the Capital. Elections just became more interesting.
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Anyone signing up for a cruise? (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Mar 6 2020 07:20AM
I made a life decision to never cruise again after news of the great poop cruise of 2013. If I were on that ship near San Fran... I’d have to call a friend with a boat... jump ship and swim/float til he picked me up. Glad iPhones are waterpro ...
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Coronaviirus & weather maps (relevance: 3)
by Harpooner on Mar 2 2020 09:28AM
This administration actually altered a National Weather Service map with a Sharpie and presented it at a press conference in an attempt to bolster the misinformation it had spread about the path of a hurricane. Do you have any reason to believe i ...
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Bloggers with no women in their network (relevance: 3)
by Mr.Horndog on Mar 1 2020 12:47AM
Why are these people allowed on the site? KaiserSoce GoBallsDeep L777 These members do not make the site safer. I'm sure there are others.
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Corona Virus INFORMATION (relevance: 3)
by DudeLebowski on Feb 26 2020 04:04PM
CNN's Sanjay Gupta answers top questions on coronavirus KEEP UPDATED! Listen to this video by CNN's Sanajay Gupta it talks about how someone can catch it. On top of this info I would try not to come in direct contact with someone who has been to A ...
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Can someone please explain! (relevance: 3)
by 1972monarch on Feb 17 2020 10:43AM
Yesterday I received robo texts from Steyer, Bloomberg and Sanders. Each saying only they can save the republic so can we count on your vote. But here's the confusion. I could swear I spent the last 3-4 years being told that old rich white guys are w ...
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The data speaks for itself. (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Feb 13 2020 12:35AM
Like we did know this already. .
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It’s over... not really (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Feb 5 2020 01:54PM
Trump was acquitted by the senate. CNN pundits say, “This isn’t over.” House democrats will continue to seek more evidence to take another shot.
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Let me help you right wingers. (relevance: 3)
by Alexisalexis2.0 on Feb 5 2020 12:46PM
I know it’s been so long since you guys have witnessed any, you probably can’t recognize it when its in front of your face.. This is what’s called integrity.
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