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The first American Casuality of Ukraine. Ahhhh LOL (relevance: 11)
by Normal_Guy on Feb 27 2022 10:38PM
His name is Bernie Gores, he was killed in the line of duty while trying to report on the "Russian Invasion" It the saddest thing........... ALMOST AS SAD AS HE WAS ALSO KILLED FEW MONTHS AGO REPORTING IN AFGANSTAND. AHHHH...... https://cele ...
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Friyay!!! (relevance: 11)
by Sweet_Stacey on Jul 26 2019 01:20AM
Can't sleep. So hot out there. Anybody watch Bernie Sanders on Jimmy Kimmel? Go Bernie! Hope y'all have a good day!
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Wait, what? that doesn't add up (relevance: 11)
by NineRider on Jan 23 2017 09:33PM
Did Bernie Sanders just praise Trump? I love the fact that liberal hate Trump. I will support anyone that the liberal hate. This is really messing up my world view.
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HX libtards part 3 (relevance: 9)
by TomTraubert on Sep 23 2023 12:30PM
Hey MA1 the economy can’t fire on all cylinders with an anti- fossil fuel energy policy. Please pull your head out of your ass and look out your window at gas prices. I’m case you were sick the day this was taught, high energy prices finds its wa ...
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Promises made promises kept (relevance: 9)
by tacobandit on Nov 17 2021 05:24PM
Remember when biden promised to tax the rich? Pepperidge farms remembers Instead he will give them nearly 300b in tax breaks I couldnt imagine voting for this clown because of mean tweets. Any remorse yet bidentards?
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You're either stupid, uninformed, or misinformed if your a Trump supporter (relevance: 9)
by Mr.Horndog on Nov 2 2020 10:04PM
Keep supporting him to make his family richer dumbasses. How fucking stupid do you have to be at this point to not realize he's a conman. Most of you Trump supporters sound like you listen to those idiot talking heads on Fox that form your opinio ...
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President Trump’s sister says he has ‘no principles’ and ‘you can’t trust him’ (relevance: 9)
by Mr.Horndog on Aug 22 2020 10:55PM
“His goddamned tweet and lying, oh my God,” “I’m talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy shit.” Trump's sister retired as a federal appellate judge, after an investigation int ...
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Dem or Gop (relevance: 9)
by heliman on Jul 16 2020 08:40AM
Forget that its trump or biden running for a minute. What party do you favor?
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biden team is looking very exciting (relevance: 9)
by InsearchofStarfish on Apr 8 2020 03:09PM
President Joe Biden Vice-President Stacy Abrams Treasury Sec. Warren Sec. Health/Human Serv. Sanders Attorney General Harris Sec. of Labor Yang Sec. of Defense Buttigieg Sec. of State Klobuchar Each campaigning on how they’d run their o ...
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Contamination (relevance: 9)
by sherkahn on Mar 4 2020 06:00AM
This is a buried lead that may have big consequences in the future. FDA official Timothy Stenzel went to the CDC on Feb.22, and was made to wait *overnight* as CDC got their act together. On the 23rd he was allowed onto the campus, where he n ...
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