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How the Right Wing Convinces Itself That Liberals Are Evil (relevance: 6)
by Mad4boobs on Sep 28 2021 04:38PM
i am sure some are frothing to get into this one. great article on how the self-proclaimed "culture warriors" are being had. so with that said, have at it. maybe do some reading, real reading from across the aisle. thats how democracy works.. ...
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Governor Hairdoo wears Versace to clean up trash… (relevance: 6)
by Waterdisport22 on Sep 7 2021 01:09PM
Who doesn’t clean up trash in Versace & Gucci clothing? French Laundry unmasked with the opposite of social distancing at the PEAK of the Government Mandated Lockdowns. California must Recall the Gov. 💇‍♂️ ,,,,,,,,,unless you like ...
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The Night Before Biden (relevance: 6)
by IMNventR on Jan 19 2021 05:37PM
THE NIGHT BEFORE BIDEN �Twas the night before Biden, and all through the White House Not a patriot stirred for that Democrat louse. The thieves and the criminals, liars and frauds Were all celebrating their rigging the odds. They corrup ...
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ID2020 the microchip implant for pandemics like these. (relevance: 6)
by GinaGalaxy on Mar 26 2020 05:10AM
Rumor: Bill Gates made a chip implant that is to ID the world. Like the U.S. census. He made it years ago but gave it the 2020 name. The chip could store data like who you are. Even people that live in huts in Africa or the 2 million ppl in ...
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Trump is the least inspiring person ever (relevance: 6)
by Run-key on Mar 13 2020 12:52PM
I know that a lot of you rah-rah dummies HAVE to support Trump because he sticks it to the Libs on the regular and it's way more important to you to be "WINNING" rather than give a shit about your fellow man.... .....but Jesus Tittyfucking Christ, ...
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Alternative Facts (relevance: 6)
by Harpooner on Dec 26 2019 09:08AM
In a “PressThink” article published today, they had a interesting take on the day Kellyanne Conway promoted the concept of “alternative facts” on Meet the Press. The article indicates everyone in the media thought “Conway’s threatening ph ...
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What do Conservatives believe in? Do they need a new name? (relevance: 6)
by AcesUp on Oct 30 2019 07:13AM
The traditional conservative beliefs seem to have changed. Can't really use the word conservative anymore to describe the Republicans. What would be a better title?
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NBA looses money (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Oct 17 2019 09:00PM
Wow, this Chinese issue is really hurting players where it hurts. Their pocket books. Some rough (very rough) economic numbers are coming out of the debacle of the HK Support by Houston team owner, and it looks like $500 million dollars may or may ...
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Trump may get his wish (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Aug 17 2019 05:10PM
About more Europeans coming over. Recent reports show that if the UK enters brexit without a deal there will be major fuel, food and medicine shortages, as UK citizens are storing up or looking to travel/move for there health care.
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Hahaha!!! (relevance: 6)
by Rachael.Jordan on Feb 28 2019 10:49PM
Who is your favorite comedian(s)? Of course Red Foxx, Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Eddie Murphy and Robin Williams. Patrice O'Neal Dave Chappelle Bill Burr Sommore
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