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confidence went up 50 percent with the socialist stoppers (relevance: 5)
by InsearchofStarfish on Oct 16 2021 05:25AM
was thinking they had a good chance of's a helluva lot more than just the top line money crap in this thing but if we can get a little war going on...might kill the whole fucking thing...we can dream Manchin dismissively calls ...

Kingmakers are gutting the Capital insurgents (relevance: 5)
by sherkahn on Jan 14 2021 09:59AM
Well, here come the REAL consequences of supporting insurrectionists. “We decide to support candidates based on their record and ability to lead on policy that will help people improve their lives,’’ said Americans for Prosperity CEO and Ame ...

Democratic National Convention (relevance: 5)
by KaiserSoce on Aug 18 2020 08:17AM
Sucked! But it wasn’t their fault. Trying to make 30 pre recorded speeches, without an audience, is tough. Everything except Michelle Obama was mediocre at best. They should have saved her for last. I know that is the spot for the nominee... but t ...

So Is Pelosi Stalling (relevance: 5)
by MMarblez on Jan 24 2020 12:37PM
Along with the rest of Congress Democrats to really try and get more witnesses (which even Clinton we only saw parts of video tape of the main person who proved he committed Perjury) or is it the Dems influencing the Democratic Nomination? Gee, o ...

Trump Iran Lesson 2 (relevance: 5)
by KaiserSoce on Jan 9 2020 02:34PM
Concerning Trump Don’t love him. Don’t think he is a good guy. Don’t like his persona. Don’t think he is a racist but is culturally obtuse. I think policy-wise he is doing a pretty good job. I would prefer he not tweet so m ...

Seriously ... the sequel (relevance: 5)
by KaiserSoce on Nov 22 2019 11:31AM
“Anyone fighting that hard has something to hide.” - The Dude That is the kind of flawed thinking that is beginning to dominate our society. Guilty until proven innocent... even if there is nothing to substantiate the initial charge. To ...

Democratic Town Hall Meetings (relevance: 5)
by jimmmyz on Apr 23 2019 05:36AM
Yesterday the Dems showcased 5 of their potential nominees in sequential town hall meetings. In order, Amy was boring. Elizabeth was convincing, but didn’t answer the questions. Bernie answered the questions, but is a socialist. Kamala isn’t ...

Venezuela (relevance: 5)
by jazz51 on Feb 10 2019 11:01AM
For all the socialists out there, Bernie, Elizabeth, to some Venezuelans before you do something really stupid. It sounds wonderful but has failed everywhere. Look to our neighbor to the south. They had vast riches of oi ...

I apologize. (relevance: 5)
by jazz51 on Jun 1 2018 02:28PM
I would like to issue a formal apology for posting a picture regarding the Roseanne Barr Valerie Jarrett incident. It was in bad taste and I was trying to be funny, but it was insensitive given the circumstances. It was not ever intended to be ra ...

Some of you might get some money back if this goes to a class action (relevance: 5)
by dblednmike on May 18 2017 01:32PM
That's a unique take on things...

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