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Sorry Democtrats, not a chance (relevance: 3)
by teeitup on Aug 31 2018 09:34PM
They think we'll boycott In-and-Out because they gave money to the Repubes. Ha ha, no way Jose. You not taking my Double Double away.
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Getting a N. Korean buzz? (relevance: 3)
by teeitup on Jun 9 2018 02:08AM
Which one of you big boys is gunna get a Kim Jong Un haircut to commemorate the summit meeting? You'd look classy...
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President Bone Spur and the GOP Memorial Day Sale! (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on May 28 2018 08:50PM
As an Air Force veteran who served my country honorably, I am appalled that GOP and Spanky are having a 25% off sale on Trump merchandise with the discount code: Remember! WTF! All he is doing is enriching himself and his family! In his speech, he sa ...
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korea (take 2) (relevance: 3)
by teeitup on May 1 2018 12:23PM
Let me just say I'm sorry 2smallforporn is 2smallforporn. But on the other hand, let me congratulate him for being the first to present a true, thought out, and partially persuasive argument for Tramp's Oscar...I mean Nobel. For you other Tramp lo ...
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any ladies need/want fx points ? (relevance: 3)
by mia.xo on Jan 10 2018 09:23AM
I have $275 in fx points to give away.. ladies only, or gents if i've met with you before 🌹
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I want to lend a girl some money (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Dec 31 2017 10:17AM
But I really want to make sure she pays me back. Any advice?
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bitcoin on fire (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Dec 1 2017 06:17AM
this will help it along
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People suck (relevance: 3)
by Evil_Overlord on Oct 9 2017 10:21AM
I'm a full time Uber/Lyft driver, used to manage a RadioShack for 6 years so I love the freedom of driving. I got a fucking asshole customer who gets in my car after making me wait for 5 minutes so she could get a cup of coffee and a banana from the ...
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Redlands and yucaipa (relevance: 3)
by msa1979 on Aug 22 2017 12:25PM
I sure wish Redlands and yucaipa were more active. Anyone know if it's just slow or not desired for other reasons?
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Let's see the #liberals find a reason to deface, destroy or degrade this one (relevance: 3)
by flynta on Aug 17 2017 08:17PM
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