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The BLEXIT (relevance: 6)
by blackmask on Oct 29 2018 07:35AM
It’s ok now guys, I can be deplorable too! Thanks to Kanye and Candance Owens aka Omarosa 2.0 I can MAGA! 👌
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72 HOURS To GET OUT oF VENEZULA (relevance: 3)
by SkyZone69 on Jan 24 2019 10:28PM
This is really disheartening..what has the world has come to, or drawn away Ive never been a ruler of the world or president so I dont know what it takes but this doesnt feel right at all...and its really very worrisome for those who dont k ...
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Sorry Democtrats, not a chance (relevance: 3)
by teeitup on Aug 31 2018 09:34PM
They think we'll boycott In-and-Out because they gave money to the Repubes. Ha ha, no way Jose. You not taking my Double Double away.
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Why are you Milenials (relevance: 3)
by RobBlakeFan on Jun 10 2018 11:37PM
always taking pictures of food? I find it hard to believe that anybody is interested, I know I am not.
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President Bone Spur and the GOP Memorial Day Sale! (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on May 28 2018 08:50PM
As an Air Force veteran who served my country honorably, I am appalled that GOP and Spanky are having a 25% off sale on Trump merchandise with the discount code: Remember! WTF! All he is doing is enriching himself and his family! In his speech, he sa ...
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coulda had HRC (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on May 28 2018 08:50AM
still want her?
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