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The earth is shaking and I can’t sleep. (relevance: 5)
by sherkahn on Mar 16 2021 06:30AM
No, that’s not because of trembles here along the west coast, but along Iceland, as volcanoes will soon explode, and it’s affecting the Icelanders. The source of the past weeks’ earthquakes is a large body of molten rock, known as magma, mov ...

Is Trump done, part 14 - war dogs (relevance: 5)
by sherkahn on Oct 6 2020 11:38AM
So, as we all knew would happen, Trump has weakened our nation and defenses. “The nation’s top general and other Pentagon chiefs will begin quarantining at home after a top Coast Guard official tested positive for COVID-19 following a White Ho ...

Celebrating 32yrs All Month (relevance: 5)
by SweetLeilaniXoxo on Jun 3 2020 01:18PM
It's my birthday month and I want to celebrate this year with the hx community. -Central Coast -Los Angeles -OC -San Diego

Celebrating 32years (relevance: 5)
by SweetLeilaniXoxo on Jun 3 2020 01:15PM
It's my birthday month and I want to celebrate this year in -Central Coast -Los Angeles -OC -San Diego

Manipulative bitch (relevance: 5)
by sherkahn on May 16 2020 06:13PM
No, not someone here. Tara Reade, person putting in complaint for Biden. She’s nice until things don’t start going her way, then she is vindictive and spiteful and not afraid to throw dirt on people who are down. “Wrye’s distressing ...

I didn't pass 3 times (relevance: 5)
by CoachMila on Mar 24 2020 10:11AM
Ugh, I'm so embarrassed to share but maybe someone out there has a better way to practice for the real estate brokers exam. Actually...after thinking about, I may just be a realtor. What's your thoughts guys? Anyone wanna take the test too? We ...

Odd fanny pack/kit pack left outside of my home (relevance: 5)
by Tatiana36dd on Jan 16 2020 08:03PM
I have never experienced this at any of my other homes but today when I got home from my day job I found something odd. There was a small kit or fanny pac type bag found on the side of my home in Durham. I do have two residences on the east coast s ...

Can Trump build a wall that high (relevance: 5)
by sherkahn on May 27 2019 09:11PM
Navy fighter pilots were seeing UFO along the eastern sea coast almost daily? And this disn’t make the bews?

Kaiju are real (relevance: 5)
by sherkahn on Mar 9 2019 08:42PM
Giant boat hits mysterious large sea creature off the coast of Japan. It was big enough to get 30 people hurt, but no sign of the animal was found. Like it shrugged coliding with a high speed boat loke it was nothjng.

There's a Blood Moon on the Rise (relevance: 5)
by RandyMantooth on Jan 20 2019 06:27PM
Hope it's not cloudy tonight wherever you are. Only total lunar eclipse of 2019, plus a Supermoon makes it a Super Blood Moon. All times below are Pacific. If you're not on the west coast, do your own math. If you want to watch it live, NASA says t ...

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