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iWanto post some Kershaw (relevance: 12)
by GoBallsDeep on Oct 8 2023 02:31PM
"What "action" did you want Hillary to tahr? The dossier originated from the bush campaign then was passed on to Hillary. She has her people send it in to the FBI. The FBI investigated and the DOJ decided you can't charge a sitting president. As well ...
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Defund the FBI and DOJ! (relevance: 9)
by jimbo0618 on Apr 11 2023 11:29AM
Donald Trump the indicted con man and crook wants to defund the FBI and the DOJ! Now that he is finally being held accountable for one of his many crimes, he wants to defund our top law enforcement agencies. I remember all of the pushback and critici ...
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DOOM just shit his pants, or ... (relevance: 8)
by flash911 on May 15 2023 05:19PM
... no official review will satisfy Leftists. The Durham Report has been released. Here are some of the main findings: The FBI discounted or willfully ignored material information that d ...
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SO zuckerberg and rogan talking about the FBI (relevance: 6)
by InsearchofStarfish on Aug 26 2022 11:15PM
they were the ones per Zuck...that brought up the Russian disinformation on hunter's laptop story true? false? does it matter? trump lost now FBI has raided his we know why yet? did we get enough info or too redacted? don't ...
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Trump & Classified Documents Part 6: The Neverending Moving of Goalposts (relevance: 6)
by Rrod111401 on Aug 25 2022 03:54PM
So Trump was convinced by roided up fake lawyer dude Tom Fitton that any document produced during his administration belongs to Trump. Classified or not. This was many months ago when Trump is happily complying with govement on giving back documen ...
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February Noir Movie Month - Focus on the 40's (relevance: 5)
by heyduke on Feb 14 2018 01:36PM
Increase your screen knowledge. Watch any or all of these suggestions and become a more complete cinefile :P Stop talking about it, be about it. Maltese Falcon - 1941 Director: John Huston Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor, Peter Lorre Shadow of ...
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Assassination Attempt (relevance: 3)
by LetMeIn69 on Jul 13 2024 04:53PM
Today in PA someone attempted to assonate former President Trump. How pathetic is the world in which we live that poetics and media hyperbole has created such a hostile environment?
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When is it OK . . . (relevance: 3)
by Marrisa_G on Apr 6 2024 03:18PM
. . . for a president to pardon someone? When laws have changed so significantly that the old sentencing structure appears to be heavy handed to today's standards? When the sentencing structure itself seems capricious? When the sentence was ...
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Alabama shakes (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Aug 8 2023 02:15PM
How about that tussle over the weekend? AlteEgo, yellow, vss4 and jackrabbit were out on the River in Montgomery, Alabama when they got a little uppity with how their “privileged” parking spot for their boat was being pushed aside by actual Am ...
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Trump's Impeachment Expunged? (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on Jun 23 2023 07:57PM
We have a lot of stupid Republican politicians who want to expunge Trump's double impeachments! McCarthy is listening to MTG and Stefanik about expunging them. Once a politician is impeached, they are impeached, you CANNOT expunge it! Instead of doin ...
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