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RIP Hong Kong (relevance: 3)
by Kayman on Mar 13 2021 08:20AM
Democracy takes another L
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Black hole created in a lab. Here are the results. (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Mar 4 2021 09:03PM
More science. Can you imagine with at we are creating an analog of black holes? Mind. Blowing. “Researchers at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology did just that. They created a black hole analog out of a few thousand atoms. They w ...
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Sorry gay people on behalf of trump (relevance: 3)
by Mellie on Mar 3 2021 05:36AM
Ok so I'm watching news on my phone and I was not aware Trump came at the gay world like that he is hella
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Over 90,000 Killed Under Biden and He Hasn’t Been In A Month (relevance: 3)
by sleepyone on Feb 19 2021 12:06PM
Killing people at a much faster rate than died during Trump. And the left can screech that it’s not his fault but you made that the standard so it is 100% his and your fault. He’ll have more deaths under his belt than Trump within 4 more months a ...
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Adios, Señor Cruz (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Feb 18 2021 04:12PM
Hey, how do you show you care and deserve to be re-elected as a leader of your state? By sacrificing for your people? Guess someone never saw the Lion King. “ While others search for what they can take, a true king searches for what he ca ...
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California has done as well as Florida at handling COVID... (relevance: 3)
by Night-Rider on Feb 17 2021 11:23PM
...and California has had much stricter containment measures than Florida. Read the attached article. I will say things were definitely in California’s favor until they botched this second lockdown in December. If they had done it a month ea ...
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The late 80’s early 90’s (relevance: 3)
by TheWickedWitch on Feb 16 2021 11:01PM
To me, that time period... it isn’t so popular. These movies, the music in them, their cheesy outfits and hair dos and the way they spoke... it just seems like a time period I can’t relate with. Fatal charm , breakfast club, etc. just idk someth ...
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are all the lefty libs here good with all biden decisions so far? (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Feb 8 2021 07:06PM
i know that everything seemed 100 percent anti trump for the 4 years is everything 100 percent positive now? press access good? psaki answering questions now?
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We lost another one (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Feb 8 2021 10:51AM
Bye Rep. Ron White (R). Texas lost another son.
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Newsom recall (relevance: 3)
by heliman on Feb 3 2021 07:52PM
Is gaining traction , lets hope they kick his ass out.
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