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CDC revises direct COVID US deaths down to 9200 in total. (relevance: 3)
by flash911 on Aug 30 2020 09:24AM
Non-comorbidity. The disease is real. The numbers are fake. Y'all have been taken for a ride. It'a all over Twitter.
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blake shooting - justified take (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Aug 27 2020 01:33PM
nice find by AFinch officer tatum breaks it all down with police reports to boot over a million views...over 13k comments( i read the first 50...seems like 99.9 percent feel it was justified also) someone should send this to bron...maybe ...
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great line from tucker - pandemic and climate change have in common??? (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Aug 25 2020 04:06AM
talking about bill gates and Dr Tedros of WHO...their other motives. gates said "life will never go back to normal"..." the lesson of the corona pandemic - the rest of us will have to sacrifice even more to save the earth from warming" tuc ...
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I'm done. (relevance: 3)
by Petite14u2use on Apr 1 2020 05:47PM
With all the craziness it's going around I think I'm just about done. Going to throw in the towel Gonna pull up my panties and go home like a big girl. I know when to get out of the game.
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Trump is Cleaning The SWAMP (relevance: 3)
by coolhotavi50 on Aug 27 2019 10:23PM
So much for America First!!!! -United Stated Attorney General picked by Trump, books Trump’s hotel for his party -Trump Suggests Hosting 2020 G-7 Summit at His Miami Golf Resort -Rick Santorum Slams Trump for Pitching His Own Miami Resort as ...
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