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Vaccine Patents Reveal The True Intent Behind Mandates (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Dec 11 2021 11:57PM
Nano Bots and Graphine Hydroxide, but wait !. There's more !, etc.. Of Biblical proportions ... I know I know, fake news :)) But you can get the Patents yourselves. Call Now ! .
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Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Oct 27 2021 08:27PM
well, this is kinda exciting...please educate us a bit more on how this fits US? the whole you and your people? hopefully spelled correctly...wouldn't want people wasting any thread space letting people know about the spelling over and over ...
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So you think the FDA gave full approval ? Listen up. (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Aug 28 2021 09:03AM
Robert Barnes of joins the show to break down how the recent FDA approval of COVID vaccines is a scam. .
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Break through infections (relevance: 3)
by PSHorneycouple on Aug 23 2021 10:57AM
As proponents of the the jab like to call it. Whats the likelihood that a mutant strain is created by one or all of these "break through" infections from the vaccinated that can not be controlled? Not that we can control any of them. Can it mutate to ...
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The death of the nation state (relevance: 3)
by flash911 on Aug 4 2021 12:48PM
The most accurate description of where we at now and what lies ahead. Read it.
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I Want The Climate Doomsayers to Explain This One To Me (relevance: 3)
by sleepyone on Feb 5 2021 02:05AM
“ Earth heats up due to pandemic’s cleaner air, study finds”:
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Butt Hurt Trump Supporter Poll (relevance: 3)
by Mr.Horndog on Jun 6 2020 10:35PM
Which has been the best leader for the Republican Party? (1) George Bush (2) Arnold Schwarzenegger (3) Donald Trump (4) Other
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US to designate Antifa as a terrorist organization (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on May 31 2020 11:00AM
Trump announces US to designate Antifa as terrorist organization following violent protests things are so bad with the riots, with china...trump isn't pussy footin around anymore...shit is going to be hitting the fan...see if he does this for th ...
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Manipulative bitch (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on May 16 2020 06:13PM
No, not someone here. Tara Reade, person putting in complaint for Biden. She’s nice until things don’t start going her way, then she is vindictive and spiteful and not afraid to throw dirt on people who are down. “Wrye’s distressing ...
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Deep inside Judy (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on May 9 2020 02:38PM
Attention! Attention! Get to know the person currently leading the lemmings over the cliff! Science magazine has shared a lot about Dr. Mikovitz, and sure enough she’s a hot mess of abusing science to promote incorrect facts. She had furthe ...
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