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What is Merrick Garland trying to hide… Threatens Arizona and Georgia Audits… (relevance: 8)
by Waterdisport22 on Jun 12 2021 06:00AM
Attorney General Merrick Garland pledged Friday to double the size of the Justice Department’s voting rights enforcement staff to combat efforts to restrict ballot access and prosecute those who threaten or harm election workers. Garland sa ...
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coming down the pike - doj looking at fbi misconduct (relevance: 8)
by InsearchofStarfish on Oct 24 2019 07:08PM
DOJ investigation into possible FBI misconduct is now criminal probe, sources say Durham's probe into possible FBI misconduct expanded based on new evidence, sources say ig report out very soon
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So the middle east conflict has expanded (relevance: 7)
by sherkahn on Jan 28 2024 05:31PM
3 servicemen dead, 30 injured in drone attack. Here we go.
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Someone please show this to the idiots in DC. (relevance: 6)
by Atticus_Finch on Oct 21 2022 03:11PM
Biden and the rest of the idiots in washington are pushing us closer to all out war with russia. Which will have one outcome and one only - all out nuclear war. They NEED to watch and read this speech by a greater President then they could ever ...
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Trump fringes (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Sep 9 2022 09:44AM
Updates on other things “Trump being flushed down the toilet.” - trump has his lawsuit against Hillary Clinton tossed out. A federal judge in Florida has tossed a racketeering lawsuit that Donald Trump filed against Hillary Clinton and a sl ...
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Trump doing well for Middle East peace before leaving office. (relevance: 6)
by Night-Rider on Dec 10 2020 02:24PM
Israel and Morocco have agreed to normalize relations. This is the fourth Arab-Israeli agreement in four months. The first three countries that agreed to normalize relations have been the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Sudan. The agreement s ...
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Joe Biden pt 2 (relevance: 6)
by Alexisalexis2.0 on Feb 26 2020 06:08PM
Wow Granite- your profile says 55 which puts you on the cusp of boomer, but I’m gonna place you in that generation. So you rattle off some accusations of entitlement at the younger generations, and in typical boomer fashion your assessment is based ...
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Big Government (relevance: 6)
by cooljamaican44 on Jan 17 2017 04:22PM
Seems like Republicans like small Government until they get in office and then the Bigger the better. How do you see it?
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Today in Gloom- the next plague (relevance: 5)
by sherkahn on Mar 21 2023 06:28AM
Well, looks like we got something new to worry about. "The rapid rise and geographic spread of cases is concerning and emphasizes the need for continued surveillance, expanded lab capacity, quicker diagnostic tests, and adherence to proven infec ...
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whistleblower complaint forms just changed (relevance: 5)
by InsearchofStarfish on Sep 28 2019 03:29AM
within the past year and low and behold we get this complaint out of the box against trump Intel Community Secretly Gutted Requirement Of First-Hand Whistleblower Knowledge Federal records show that the intelligence community secretly revise ...
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