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The one woman (relevance: 3)
by quarante.sept on Feb 2 2017 04:45PM
...(or man) on this site that I would like to meet but haven't is...... Carry on.
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California to secede from US? (relevance: 3)
by GentleEd on Jan 28 2017 11:29AM
Could this really happen? Didn't Texas attempt this at one point?
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3 dead celeb rule in effect (relevance: 3)
by heliman on Jan 28 2017 07:09AM
mary tyler moore , mike conners, and john hurt all died in withen the last 3 days they allways die in three's
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Trump's Wall pt. 2 (relevance: 3)
by hotsamantha4fun on Jan 27 2017 09:37AM
RE: $2B spent on illegal immigration by major sanctuary cities: "Extrapolate that out to the rest of the country." Umm... the entire rest of the country isn't a) on the border or b) creating sanctuary cities. So extrapolate? Let's not. Because ...
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Let the lawsuits begin (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jan 22 2017 11:47PM
President Trump is getting sued, and the blood is in the water. And it's going to hit him where it hurts. No, not his little hands. His pocket book. "Deepak Gupta, a Supreme Court litigator working on the case, said the lawsuit would 'alleg ...
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Modonna (relevance: 3)
by eliteviews on Jan 22 2017 12:40PM
Right next to Susan Sarandon, Madonna is showing how much of a washed up, whack Liberal bitch she is, trying desperately to keep her name in the headlines. I hope the Secret Service presses charges.
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It's getting worse - the weather, why what do you think I meant? (relevance: 3)
by teeitup on Jan 22 2017 10:15AM
For you LA'ers, there's a whole lot more water coming your way. Hope you're still dry. And it will be wetter for a few hours. If you want to save water, strip naked and run outside to take your shower. Your neighbors will thank you,..maybe. ...
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Black perspective on Obama legacy (relevance: 3)
by eliteviews on Jan 18 2017 05:07AM
Even his people are unhappy.
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finally, irrefutable evidence that climate change is real part 2 (relevance: 3)
by BigOnes on Jan 9 2017 12:19PM
So frog ... how do you think they run all of their climate studies.... It's called grants from the government and deep pocket billionaires.... There alone shows your lack of critical thinking skills.... follow like the rest of the sheep there ...
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Your 2017 predictions (relevance: 3)
by teeitup on Jan 2 2017 08:53PM
Let's get the obvious ones out of the way: Trump will be impeached in 2017. Trump will be celebrated for reducing taxes and limiting immigration to the US. North Korea will set off another nuke. (your turn)
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