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The death of the nation state (relevance: 15)
by flash911 on Aug 4 2021 12:48PM
The most accurate description of where we at now and what lies ahead. Read it.
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Worldwide Freedom Protests (relevance: 12)
by flash911 on Jul 28 2021 05:22AM
Bet you did not see this on the mainstream news. It's only 10 minutes long. While some scream "Super Spreader," "Darwinism for the idiots!" and "You all deserve it!" the rest of the world is pushing back on mandated DNA changing Vaccines, mask ...
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'Mystery' of the Nord Stream Pipeline (relevance: 9)
by InsearchofStarfish on Feb 8 2023 03:00PM
Seymour Hersh Unveils the 'Mystery' of the Nord Stream Pipeline funny seeing the montage of all the politicians talking about stopping the pipeline
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Can this be true? (relevance: 9)
by SkyBot84 on Sep 5 2021 11:21PM It's very sickening if it is.
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What is Merrick Garland trying to hide… Threatens Arizona and Georgia Audits… (relevance: 9)
by Waterdisport22 on Jun 12 2021 06:00AM
Attorney General Merrick Garland pledged Friday to double the size of the Justice Department’s voting rights enforcement staff to combat efforts to restrict ballot access and prosecute those who threaten or harm election workers. Garland sa ...
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American Democracy jumps the shark (relevance: 6)
by TomTraubert on Sep 27 2023 09:17AM
So the persecution of Trump goes next level. He is now banned from conducting business in NY. His family too. The NY Ag has sued him for fraud based on overstating real estate values to get more favorable loans from banks. The courts agreed despite t ...
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War Zone (relevance: 6)
by SeymourButz on Feb 20 2023 03:37PM
Biden visits Ukraine undetected. Let that soak in.
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4th Player drop out of Austrilian Open due to chest and heart issue. (relevance: 6)
by Normal_Guy on Jan 20 2022 08:27AM
Wow since my last post I didn't even have to wait 1 and this happens: 4 players had to dopped the match so far. Not to mention all the players that are ...
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Here we go again! Fraud has been declared to be helping Dems in recall election. (relevance: 6)
by Night-Rider on Sep 13 2021 05:55PM
"Statistical analyses used to detect fraud in elections held in 3rd-world nations (such as Russia, Venezuela, and Iran) have detected fraud in California resulting in Governor Gavin Newsom being reinstated as governor. The primary analytical tool u ...
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Oxford Study: Health Workers Fully Vaccinated Carry 251 Times Viral Load (relevance: 6)
by Waterdisport22 on Sep 9 2021 01:03AM
Study: Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load, Pose Threat to Unvaccinated Patients, Co-Workers & Vaccinated. A preprint paper by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical Research Group, published Aug. 10 in The Lancet, f ...
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