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T cell testing sites (relevance: 3)
by tacobandit on Sep 10 2021 09:37PM
Anyone had their T cells checked? Where did you go?
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Howard Stern says those who refused to get vaccinated shouldn't get hospital treatment; PREACH! (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Sep 9 2021 04:07PM
"A bold Stern maintained those who refused the vaccine should be refused treatment once they are infected. 'Go fuck yourself,' he said. 'You had the cure, and you wouldn’t take it.' “'It’s really funny when these radio — the radio guys are ...
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Now this blows the Narrative clear out of the water, 25% Increase In Death (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Sep 8 2021 10:56AM
West Virginia Governor Drops Bombshell: 25% Increase In Death Amongst Vaccinated Individuals A shocking revelation by the governor of West Virginia as he explains the struggle to stay alive those that have gotten vaccinated are having. .
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Kevin McCarthy is Bluffing! (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on Sep 1 2021 03:34PM
Let me get this straight that Republican McCarthy is threatening telephone and social media companies if they cooperate by giving out information to the January 6th commission about who spoke to the Orange Man during a two month period! Donald Trumpâ ...
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We are so screwed (relevance: 3)
by tc270 on Aug 30 2021 06:31PM
So I was on the road today listening to John and Ken and they played a portion of Biden's press conference today - if you can call it that. It was sad listening to him trying to put words together, lots of um, eh, um.... Anyway, at the end he said ...
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The FDA broke all their own rules for approval, What is there Real Agenda ? (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Aug 25 2021 08:48AM
John-Henry speaks with LifeSite journalist Celeste McGovern, who just came out with a 10-point article pointing out what's the real agenda behind the FDA's Pfizer COVID jab "approval." .
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3rd shot starting September 20 (relevance: 3)
by Angler1 on Aug 19 2021 01:17PM
Are the sheep already for another shot? Will there be a need to get a booster shot Every 8 months?
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World renowned doctor views on covid vax's (relevance: 3)
by Atticus_Finch on Aug 8 2021 01:01PM
Dr. Peter McCullough's views on the ethics of requiring to get the vax 'for the good of society', vax efficacy & employees mandating employees to be vaccinated. Atticus Finch
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British Gov t Warns COVID Vaccine-Induced Mutations May Kill (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Aug 2 2021 10:10AM
Orders 3 million lbs of anti-coagulant ? . British Govt Warns COVID Vaccine-Induced Mutations May Kill, How many people ? . Is that right... Are you going to hear more bout ADE ? Anti-Body Dependent Enhancement Gee, what do you think they kno ...
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The Elephant and the Ass (relevance: 3)
by yellowB2 on Jul 19 2021 10:22AM
DON’T ARGUE WITH DONKEYS The donkey told the elephant, ′′The grass is blue." The elephant replied, “No, the grass is green." The discussion warmed up, and the two decided to submit the disagreement to arbitration, and to do so they ...
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