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Pleaseee help me understand (relevance: 3)
by SativaSeraphina on Dec 1 2021 09:18AM
I am new to this entire community, and it seems to be really hard getting to meet guys. Either they text just to get my info and never respond, or they respond to the screening and never show up!!! it's really frustrating trying to provide a serv ...
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confidence went up 50 percent with the socialist stoppers (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Oct 16 2021 05:25AM
was thinking they had a good chance of's a helluva lot more than just the top line money crap in this thing but if we can get a little war going on...might kill the whole fucking thing...we can dream Manchin dismissively calls ...
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What’s Creating The Container Shipping Backlog: Calif Version Green New Deal (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Oct 15 2021 10:35AM
The California Version of The Green New Deal and an October 16, 2020, EPA Settlement With Transportation is What’s Creating The Container Shipping Backlog – Working CA Ports 24/7 Will Not Help, Here’s Why Hundreds of requests for detail ...
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STOP THE PRESSES CNN asks Fauci about Israeli study ‘Natural Immunity’ is 13X times greater tha (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Oct 14 2021 02:03PM
‘Why should anyone get Vaccinated if they have immunity from a prior Covid infection?’ Fauci — ‘I don’t have a really firm answer for you on that’ Vaccinated were 27 times more likely to get symptomatic infection than tho ...
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Stunning Covid Chart — Israel vs Sweden (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Oct 5 2021 05:44AM
Israel....with the highest jab rate of ANY country in the world. Already on their...count it with me class 4th jab...... Israel Covid cases spiked as they began rolling out the third booster. Sweden, where natural immunity is supreme, had ...
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They All Lied (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Oct 4 2021 02:10PM
"If you were vaccinated you won't get Covid" - Biden, on multiple occasions. "If you get vaccinated you won't wind up in the hospital" - CDC Director Rochelle, Fauci, many others. "You must be vaccinated because its the only way to end this pan ...
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Biden has managed to piss off France big time. (relevance: 3)
by lamar on Sep 17 2021 09:58AM
France angry after U.S. strikes deal with Australia for nuclear subs
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Today in gloom: omega Mu (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Sep 10 2021 05:59PM
In case anyone is getting bored with Delta, don’t pout. New and improved Mu covid variant is on it’s way, and it has 2 reported caEs where it bypasses vaccine
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We are so screwed (relevance: 3)
by tc270 on Aug 30 2021 06:31PM
So I was on the road today listening to John and Ken and they played a portion of Biden's press conference today - if you can call it that. It was sad listening to him trying to put words together, lots of um, eh, um.... Anyway, at the end he said ...
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Sirhan Sirhan getting released after 50 years (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Aug 27 2021 04:21PM
GOV needs to sign off....can't imagine with all the shit he's done, it's not already signed, sealed and delivered Robert F. Kennedy's assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, was granted parole by a California board Friday after spending more than 50 years ...
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