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Man Buns (relevance: 3)
by Grumpy on Jan 18 2018 04:56PM
More like Man Bitch Buns. You fucks walkin around with man buns, stop it! You look fucking stupid. And the rest of you walkin around with an unshaven face, you look just as stupid. Either shave or grow a fucking beard. And not some wild fucking Du ...
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Is it just me? (relevance: 3)
by teeitup on Jan 12 2018 12:30PM
Everytime I see "Mnuchin" in any headlines I think "Munchkin"
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Executive Time (relevance: 3)
by mcconnoisseur on Jan 8 2018 11:04AM
Apparently, Trump starts his day around 11am, has a couple meetings, then most of his day is blocked out for "executive time." So much for being the President of the United States the toughest job I'm the world.
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Gym recommendations. (relevance: 3)
by Rarity909 on Jan 4 2018 10:53PM
So I've been wanting to join a gym for a while now, I just don't know which one to pick. Looking for recommendations on a good gym, so let me know which one you go to and why it is you chose it.
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When Trump forbade a Christmas treeeeee (relevance: 3)
by coolhotavi50 on Dec 25 2017 08:02PM
I guess Leader of the CLAN was not always for "Merry Christmas" .. LOL anyone surprised?...
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Good riddance Al Franken (relevance: 3)
by Himes_Soul on Dec 7 2017 08:54AM
We just need the other 99 to step down.
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“Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up” (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on Dec 1 2017 03:44PM
I love it! Kharma has a way of coming back and biting you in the ass. Mike Flynn will have them all locked up including Drumpf, so that he does not try to pardon anyone. Sad that the WH is saying that he was a rogue official! They are still lying an ...
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finally an attack (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Nov 1 2017 03:09AM
where they don't kill the they can get valuable info from him...maybe a lil waterboarding??
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manafort and rick gates? (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Oct 30 2017 05:08AM
being reported to surrender
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You're doing a great job (relevance: 3)
by eJack on Oct 3 2017 04:30PM
Trumpie. As a buffoon.
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