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Who is First? (relevance: 3)
by 1972monarch on Sep 12 2022 10:11AM
Trump is in DC and speculation as to why is off the charts. One theory is that he is about to be indicted. So that raises the question. Who will be indicted first, Trump or Hunter?
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Hey Sherkhan FBI Shit Show and Your Obsession With Trump (relevance: 3)
by MyPeePeeBurnsie1169 on Aug 30 2022 01:52PM
Hunter Biden FBI Cover up .....oh Top Level FBI Agent resigns now. Let's see how many FBI leftist fucktards resign after the Trump raid political move disaster
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Now These Psychopaths Must Face The Consequences Of Their Mass Murder (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Aug 26 2022 12:04AM
But will they ever ? And if Trump does not get on board with this he is finished. David lays it all out here v .
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Roe v wade to be overturned part deux (relevance: 3)
by wunanddun on May 4 2022 09:16PM
Juuuuuuuust to set the record straight regarding notevenslightlyhumorous' last post on the linked blog. The second linked page will take you to the table of supreme court decisions over rolled by later decisions. Take note of the 2 left most ...
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The first American Casuality of Ukraine. Ahhhh LOL (relevance: 3)
by Normal_Guy on Feb 27 2022 10:38PM
His name is Bernie Gores, he was killed in the line of duty while trying to report on the "Russian Invasion" It the saddest thing........... ALMOST AS SAD AS HE WAS ALSO KILLED FEW MONTHS AGO REPORTING IN AFGANSTAND. AHHHH...... https://cele ...
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Today in Gloom - Kyiv is about to fall (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Feb 25 2022 12:22PM
NOW Putin is open to talks. Damn, I thought the Ukrainians would last longer.
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Today in Gloom - Chernobyl (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Feb 24 2022 11:39AM
well, its getting bad fast. Russia just captured Chernobyl.
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I started this blog so that JustHavingFun1 can post 49 times to close it out (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on Dec 19 2021 09:26PM
So, don't anybody post here, thank you! =))
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Omicron shares genetic code with common cold… (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Dec 4 2021 10:01AM
The omicron variant is likely to have picked up genetic material from another virus that causes the common cold in humans, according to a new preliminary study, prompting one of its authors to suggest omicron could have greater transmissibility but L ...
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Any girls wanna go on a date with me? (relevance: 3)
by GinaGalaxy on Nov 15 2021 01:36PM
Hi if any gal is interested- in dating woman. I be happy to talk more and take u out! Anywhere in SoCal:) This would b for someone looking for a connection :) X0
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