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Trump does not concede but agrees on transition (relevance: 3)
by upsilon on Nov 23 2020 05:45PM
Thanks Trump, you did make my American shower strong again.
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Uncle Rudy and Black Dye Hair Drip! (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on Nov 19 2020 05:03PM
Crane_Op, WTF is up with your Uncle Rudy and the rest of his Fraud Squad? Dude, you should make sure that he takes his crazy pill before he walks out the door! It is amazing how you Trump supporters cry fraud only because the OrangeMan lost! If the P ...
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The Election's Hard Reality, at least for Some!! (relevance: 3)
by FATFUKK on Nov 8 2020 01:07PM
The election said a lot... but the data in the link below "SAYS IT ALL!!!
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Best German Food in SoCal? (relevance: 3)
by NPembrush on Jun 8 2020 08:52PM
I know there's the campy but fun little Germany in Westminster. I'm told from a couple of my Bavarian friends that the Hofbrauhaus in Las Vegas is probably the closest you can get to authentic this side of the US.
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Blue State Governors (relevance: 3)
by Fidelity999 on Jun 2 2020 04:01PM
Blue City Mayors Blue City Police Chiefs And 8 years of Obama They had absolute power in NY CA IL etc etc for decades And what the fuck did they do? Nothing and they will never take responsibility... Remember Black America Vote D ...
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I hate hypocrites... (relevance: 3)
by phlampson on May 26 2020 07:50AM
...and Trump is the Hypocrite-in-chief. And before some of you dumbfucks cry "Fake News", be prepared to say what is fake about this. Numbers don't lie, even if some idiots think 2+2=1
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So I'm sick... (relevance: 3)
by NPembrush on May 9 2020 10:22AM
100.6 fever, sore throat, mild cough, aches... Just to be safe, go to the walk in and get giant swabs jammed into my brain. Seriously I think they came up with that method just to be dicks. Corona virus? Nope. Sinus Infection? Yep.
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Toys, books, clothing, sporting goods and music. Are you kidding (relevance: 3)
by NigelCollins68 on May 7 2020 06:13AM
When the governor said that Friday would bring the opening of stores like those selling toys, books, clothing, sporting goods and music, I didn't realize that he literally meant only those stores selling toys, books, clothing, sporting goods and musi ...
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It's Morning in America again (relevance: 3)
by phlampson on May 5 2020 05:52PM
Woops. I guess I spelled it wrong.
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Ignoring the Obvious (relevance: 3)
by Harpooner on Apr 22 2020 08:20AM
We’ve all heard the claims that “the flu kills more people than COVID-19,” or this whole thing is a hoax, or it’s overblown. The 2018-19 flu season lasted about 7 months and killed 34,200 Americans. COVID-19 has been in the US for half th ...
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