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Be honest! (relevance: 3)
by davidpdavid on Jul 20 2020 05:13PM
Has anyone here contracted or may even think they've contracted Covid from anyone here? Ladies or men. Be honest. Don't have to name names. It has to have happened.
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So Trump might drop out? What a quitter! (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Jun 29 2020 06:02PM
Ahahaaaaa! :))
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So a buffoon holds an event... (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jun 20 2020 06:09PM
And even before the event begins, 6 of the working the show get the ‘rona. I think we have this year’s premiere Darwin Award winners.
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Governor's order: People must wear a face mask in public spaces, with some exceptions, Part 2 (relevance: 3)
by Night-Rider on Jun 18 2020 06:03PM
From Deadline: Specifically, Californians must wear masks in these circumstances: -Inside of, or in line to enter, any indoor public space -Waiting for or riding on public transportation -Engaged in work, whether at the workplace or performin ...
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For all you hypocritical mother fuckers (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jun 4 2020 01:27PM
For all of you holier-than-thou religious nut jobs who are not getting it. Imagine you were in the crowd and saw law enforcement apply lethal force to a person. “But he’s a criminal!” You would say. Imagine that the guardians of the comm ...
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Trump posing with a Bible Part 2 (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jun 2 2020 08:11PM
3 days length? You must not go to church that often. Even the pro church people who support trump are calling for excommunication or worse, as the priest in attendance at St. John was kicked out for the photo op. The Episcopal Bishop of Was ...
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Dormant accounts? (relevance: 3)
by lamar on Apr 14 2020 05:57PM
What happened to the pictures in all the dormant accounts?
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Can't quarantine forever (relevance: 3)
by witler5 on Mar 22 2020 10:07PM
The virus is already spreading throughout the whole world. The opportunity to stop the spread has long passed when the whole world could've shut down all international flights for a much smaller economic cost. The virus isn't going away in a few m ...
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We miss you Obama! (relevance: 3)
by 1BadHombre on Mar 5 2017 06:54PM
I miss Obama already :( He was so smart and cool, elegant, wise but hip, a gentleman (never cheated on Michelle, not like Trump repeatedly did and grabbed women by the punani). He was admired and respected by the world, and he was our presiden ...
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