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What's the best (relevance: 6)
by BritneyBlaze on Mar 24 2018 10:17AM
Way to commute from San Diego to Irvine without a car.? I'm flying into SD on Weds & just curious what the best way to get to OC..???
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Mile High Club Stories?? (relevance: 3)
by azzmanforever on Aug 15 2021 01:12AM
Does anyone have any REAL mile high club stories? I've never witnessed it myself and am curious if it really happens. Explicit details encouraged!!
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Hottest MILF? (relevance: 3)
by NickSgv on Jul 25 2021 07:45PM
Jolt. On Amazon Prime. Kate Beckinsale is 48. Is there a hotter 48 year old out their?
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This ain’t no Dream Team. Team USA falls. Who should be true Dream Team in Tokyo? (relevance: 3)
by 2small4porn on Jul 25 2021 09:27AM
Assuming everyone was healthy and wanted to play, who would be this year’s true Dream Team starting 5? (but you must pick only NBA players from the US. Hence you can’t pick the Greek Freak Giannis or Joel Embid from Cameroon). Pick the top 5 ...
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Im pro choice (relevance: 3)
by Kayman on Jul 29 2020 07:25AM
But isnt abortion just PC term for premeditated murder?
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Contamination (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Mar 4 2020 06:00AM
This is a buried lead that may have big consequences in the future. FDA official Timothy Stenzel went to the CDC on Feb.22, and was made to wait *overnight* as CDC got their act together. On the 23rd he was allowed onto the campus, where he n ...
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Waffles or pancakes? (relevance: 3)
by ArabianQueen on Feb 25 2020 12:17PM
I’m a waffle kind of gal. Strawberries and whipped cream on top! 🥰 What do you like better? 😘
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Is Wallace Next? (relevance: 3)
by Harpooner on Oct 12 2019 08:35AM
Fair and Balanced Fox doesn’t seem to like its commentators to point out hypocrisy of conservatives with actual facts, such as the time Newt was in favor of impeachment, except now it is suddenly an unconstitutional attempt to overturn an election ...
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finally an attack (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Nov 1 2017 03:09AM
where they don't kill the they can get valuable info from him...maybe a lil waterboarding??
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I just have to say (relevance: 3)
by AngelxOfxDesire on Oct 4 2017 07:49PM
I wanted to take a moment to recognize all of the people who have contributed their time and efforts to anyone in need for no reason other than pure love for and respect for mankind. These people ask for no recognition or reward and to me are the tru ...
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