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"China is eating our lunch," according to Bill Maher. (relevance: 3)
by Night-Rider on Mar 14 2021 01:12PM
Hits the nail on the head! Love it. Doesn't blame just Democrats. Doesn't blame just Republicans. Blames EVERYONE. See link for video.
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Treason (relevance: 3)
by mbc2000 on Dec 5 2020 09:26AM
Now it comes down to this. Anyone who can watch this and say NOTHING is not an american. Trump is tearing apart OUR government. Literally.  This is the worst thing possible. He has the abilty to hurt every single person, pet, bus ...
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Southern California stay at home order to start Sat Dec 5 at 1 pm (relevance: 3)
by Night-Rider on Dec 5 2020 12:04AM
for a minimum of 3 weeks. Just so you folks know. The reason: ICU capacity was below 15% (13.1%) as of Friday. "Regions...must close hair salons, barber shops, movie theaters, ban restaurant service except for takeout and delivery, shutter ...
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New Handles from Rock Front Men (relevance: 3)
by happyguy63 on Nov 23 2020 05:19PM
Interesting... Several new female members joined in last few weeks, with handles taken from names of rock front dudes scrambled to be female. Profiles all have similar format... Darlene Hall (Daryl Hall of Hall & Oates) Petra Cetera (Peter ...
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Kaiser and GBD are Assholes Rawdogging is good and NR can count (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Nov 11 2020 01:06AM
Did I miss anything?
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Now Republicans (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Nov 5 2020 12:39PM
It looks like the fat lady is tuning up and about to sing. Here is your chance. For 4 years you have been complaining about how unfair and how badly the left has treated President Trump. Your desire was they would treat him with respect and not ...
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"I have done more for the people than Abe Lincoln" - Trump (relevance: 3)
by Tatiana36dd on Oct 9 2020 08:41PM
oooookaaaaaay. What was he smoking that day? He must share it!
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Your best bud in bed with your partner ..Now What (relevance: 3)
by FATFUKK on Oct 6 2020 02:19AM
What would you do if you came home early and you caught you best bud in the sack with your partner? Second Chance,Counseling, Join-In, or Hit the need a Gallon Whiskey....
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If the science told you to jump off of a bridge... would you? (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Sep 27 2020 05:15AM
I just read that on another blog. I guess the real answer depends on which science.... If jumping meant I would avoid being hit by a train, I might. If the bridge was on fire... I probably would... But hey.... that “Mom reasoning” can’t be ...
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Stephen Colbert proves just how gullible Trump supporters are with fake ads (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Sep 18 2020 10:51AM
Just as expected, no matter how ridiculous a fake Trump says he wants to do, his retarded followers still find a way to rationalize why it makes sense. :)) Do some of you recognize yourself in this crowd? :O
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