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Former Department of Homeland Security Chief under Trump endorses Biden (relevance: 6)
by Mr.Horndog on Aug 19 2020 11:10PM
Damn, another high level Trump administration member thinks Trump's inept. There's a reason why so many staff members have left this administration.
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Governor Newsome closes some indoor businesses (relevance: 6)
by Night-Rider on Jul 13 2020 04:23PM
FYI "Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday required 30 counties, including all in Southern California, to close indoor activities at fitness centers, places of worship, offices for non-critical sectors, personal care services, such as hair salons and barber ...
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Question for the ladies... (relevance: 6)
by TheAlterEgo on Jun 19 2020 07:28PM
Are tan lines sexy? It’s summer/beach season ;) Definitely time to get some sun ✅✨
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Wake up People! (relevance: 6)
by Mr.Horndog on Jun 13 2020 01:26AM
Do you trust this president and his administration to be honest? Of course not, but I don't want to support a government who wants to take away your right to openly carry a firearm, when the police are beating, shooting, spraying and locking people u ...
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Death Row how to go? (relevance: 6)
by KaiserSoce on Feb 21 2020 10:29PM
Did you see there are multiple death row inmates in Tennessee opting for the electric chair rather than lethal injection? If you had to go..... Lethal Injection Electric chair Hanging Firing squad Which one? Why? Are there any other LE ...
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Useful puppets (relevance: 6)
by Mr.Horndog on Jan 23 2020 10:41PM
Trump likely withheld aid from Ukraine as a way of thanking Putin for help with the brainwashing propaganda his countrymen provided that helped him get elected. A Ukraine without aid makes the Russians stronger and is of no benefit to Americans. W ...
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Is sd really considered as “ land of the gays” ? (relevance: 6)
by italianMixBaby on Jun 21 2018 07:45PM
Someone said this in another blog
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Trump Dislocates Shoulder part 2 (relevance: 5)
by jazz51 on May 28 2017 05:28PM
Mr. Horndog.... "You failed to mention there was also a surplus which is why Obama made that decision. The bottom line is, that it's not beneficial if you are a first time homebuyer." Do you understand the FHA? They are REQUIRED to maintain a ...
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Penis shrinking? One thing I know that may contribute is fake testosterones and Flomax (relevance: 3)
by CoachMila on Aug 11 2024 01:23PM
Not a doctor, but… Look, If you’re on fake Ts because a professional insists you have to, I’m not here to interfere. However, the significant shrinkage of penile tissue and testicles is seriously concerning—it's almost like atrophy. Just b ...
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biden and enabling the alien invasion (relevance: 3)
by Grumpy_Butthead on Mar 8 2024 05:54PM
Between 10 and 11 million have enter on his watch. Who voted to support these invaders? What gave biden the right to circumvent the way it has been done for years? My second cousins waited over 10 years to be able to come in legally they also sp ...
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