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Justice for Breonna part two (relevance: 20)
by KaiserSoce on Sep 25 2020 04:12PM
DblMike, I don’t remember if the AG said the wrong address. I may have inserted that mistakenly. What is clearly true is the police mistakenly thought that was the residence of Breonna’s former boyfriend. I wasn’t stating that as a reason or ...
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Democrats are so desperate to keep power, probably bribed the supreme court to regain voters (relevance: 12)
by witler5 on May 5 2022 09:12PM

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are all the lefty libs here good with all biden decisions so far? (relevance: 12)
by InsearchofStarfish on Feb 8 2021 07:06PM
i know that everything seemed 100 percent anti trump for the 4 years is everything 100 percent positive now? press access good? psaki answering questions now?
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Gabbard: Brennan, Shiff are domestic terrorits (relevance: 12)
by Atticus_Finch on Jan 27 2021 09:47AM
Tulsi Gabbard comes out and calls john brennan & adam schiff domestic terrorists. Damn, it's hard to believe this woman is a dem, she just seems to have far too much common sense for that party. Course that's probably why the far left dems lik ...
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black celebs trying to strong arm biden in VP pick (relevance: 12)
by InsearchofStarfish on Aug 10 2020 02:53PM
“failing to select a Black woman in 2020 means you will lose the election.” the group wrote that it “disgusts us that Black women are not just being vetted in this VP process but unfairly criticized and scrutinized.” But the letter wa ...
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White on white (relevance: 12)
by Kayman on Jul 30 2020 07:52AM
Nobody does it better
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BLM strikes again (relevance: 9)
by InsearchofStarfish on Aug 11 2020 01:30AM
i see this...i smile. when are people, companies and sports leagues going to wake the fuck up to these fuckers...13 cops injured and 60million in damages. Every week i keep saying this is it, but it's not...i guess we will find out in november if ...
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Can someone please explain! (relevance: 9)
by 1972monarch on Feb 17 2020 10:43AM
Yesterday I received robo texts from Steyer, Bloomberg and Sanders. Each saying only they can save the republic so can we count on your vote. But here's the confusion. I could swear I spent the last 3-4 years being told that old rich white guys are w ...
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Roe v wade to be overturned part deux (relevance: 6)
by wunanddun on May 4 2022 09:16PM
Juuuuuuuust to set the record straight regarding notevenslightlyhumorous' last post on the linked blog. The second linked page will take you to the table of supreme court decisions over rolled by later decisions. Take note of the 2 left most ...
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Arrest Imminent as Agency Heads Blow Whistle (relevance: 6)
by AFMadness on Jun 7 2021 11:41PM
Robert Barnes of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the failure of the globalist establishment to lock down society with a fake pandemic due to growing resistance from the people. Some of you ought to be real ...
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