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When will they ever learn? (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on Jan 31 2022 09:42PM
Seriously? =))
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Breyer retiring and Biden's pledge: Part II (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on Jan 28 2022 10:45PM
Previous OP is gonna love this: Not predicting this will happen but the Repubs could stop Bidens nomination dead in its tracks if they chose to do so. Of course, they're pussies, so probably won't. Stay with me here cause it's complicated: T ...
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How Dose It Feel ? (relevance: 3)
by mbc2000 on Jan 28 2022 05:51PM
Joe Biden is doing his job. He's our POTUS. I know why President Biden called his shot. He said a black woman is going to be nominated to the SCOTUS. The highest court in the land. My question to my fellow citizens. How dose ...
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CDC admits natural immunity is better. (relevance: 3)
by Normal_Guy on Jan 22 2022 05:10PM
For all you leftoid here you go: Natural Immunity has always been better, none of us ever took the vaccine thank GOD. ...
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Don Jr. and The Faux Network (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on Dec 13 2021 06:11PM
Well, well so Don Jr. and the Faux Network hosts were calling Mark Meadows on January 6th telling him to tell the OrangeMan to call off his sheeples as they were destroying the Capitol! What is so sad about this was at the time Faux Network hosts wer ...
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revolution has maybe started with the parade according to BLM militant (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Nov 23 2021 12:32PM
Milwaukee BLM 'militant' says Waukesha Christmas parade attack maybe start of 'revolution' Activist Vaun Mayes said, 'It sounds possible that the revolution has started in Wisconsin' oh this shit how are all the corporations doing ...
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Nordstroms at the Grove ‘smash and grab’ attack by 20 looters (relevance: 3)
by jessicataylorla on Nov 23 2021 06:54AM
Nordstroms at the Grove in LA on Monday night became the latest retail location to be hit by a flash-mob style "smash and grab" looting attack, according to reports. This time, about 20 suspects took part in a break-in at Nordstrom at the Grove.
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North Korea: Kim Jong-un calls for urgent action on climate change (relevance: 3)
by witler5 on Sep 3 2021 09:08AM

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Arrest Imminent as Agency Heads Blow Whistle (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Jun 7 2021 11:41PM
Robert Barnes of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the failure of the globalist establishment to lock down society with a fake pandemic due to growing resistance from the people. Some of you ought to be real ...
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Men check-in here if u haven't updated your network in a year! (relevance: 3)
by GinaGalaxy on May 16 2021 03:33AM
& for whatever reason it is! Let it be known! And are U ready for a 2021 update?
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